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Make up a fake cheat!


Here you can make up a fake cheat.

Unlock Snowlax
Game: D/P
First get a Munchlax egg and hatch it on the 1st of December. Nickname it Snomunch and level it to level 99 without evolving before Christmas day comes. Exactly 5 minutes before Christmas day get into a battle. When you defeat the Pokemon your Munchlax will grow to level 100 and evolve into Snowlax!
Catch a Manaphy without Pokemon Ranger in LF!:First catch Kyogre.Then go to Cerulean cave and surf.Surf for 3 hours and Manaphy shall so up.


Long time no see
To catch an angel.....
In Fire red get all the pokemon in the game....national and all.
Then go to the elite four, defeate each one without using revives and potions. Then go to proffesor oak, he will tell you that a strange pokemon has been seen near the mysterious dungeon in cerulean. Go to where mewtwo was and you will see a sparkling light. Save your game 3 paces away, then walk forwards. The pokemon will attack, but it will not battle. it will simply take an availablepokeball an get inside on its own. Go to the poke-centre and look in the last box. It will be pure white and have the pokemon ANGEL there. It will be lvl 100.

What do you think??


Confusion is bliss
to get a celebi in g/s/c:

carture a butterfree in the bug catching contest and teach it sweet scent.

win the contest with it, and then use sweet scent in ilex forest in front of the shrine. a level 30 celebi will appear. yay 4 u!


Lazy Summer
all lv 100 pokemon...go to the powerplant amnd have a pokemon use strengh, a hole will open up for you to jump threw. here you'll find a mew and mewtwo who will turn all pokemon (wild and caught) to level 100

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
To get a yellow muk: Put the GBA game cartridge up your nose! Works best in winter.


christian 4ever
to get jirachi in emrald..........

go talk to the lady next to the stone 15 times..beat the elite 4..fly to the cave whares solrocks..let them use cosmic power 5 times fly to mosdeep and the guy will tell you thares a major disaster..save jirachi from an evil dark rayquaza...and it should join you at lvel 100


Cyper King
To get a regigagas without all the regis, For D/P:
First catch all the pokemon in shinou (exept regigagas!)
Secondly, go to moss rock and battle 5pokemon in the grass.
Thirdly, Go to ice rock and do the same as with moss rock.
Forth, go to the top of tenga mountain, WITH a rock+ice+steel type pokemon. Note: You are alowd two other pokemon, but make sure you have a spare slot!
Then you RUN around in any area where wild pokemon will apperar. After a while you will fall into a hole, where regigagas will be waiting. Now, regigagas will either ask you to release the rock+ice+steel type pokemon and retreive regigagas at lvl. 5 or catch it at lvl. 70.


Shinx <3
Lvl up your 6 Pokemon to 100 without using any Rare Candies then go to Prof. Oak's lab and speak to him 4875 times and he gives you a random shiny.


to get the GHOST pokemon before the silph scope.
first have your own ghost-type poke mon and teach it foresight. use foresight on the GHOST in lavender town and you should be able to catch it
How to get Celebi in FR/LG:
When you go to get your starter, choose the pokemon in this order, but don't take it.
Bulba, Squirt, Char, Bulba, Bulba, Squirt

Then choose Bulbasaur. Nickname it Flowerbud, beat the game with it and let it evolve completely. Only catch these pokemon: Sperow, Oddish/Bellsprout, and Tentacool. Let them all evolve. After you beat the E4 5 times, Go to the Berry Forest. Where the little girl was, now Celebi's there. It's level 10.

Shiny Heracross

Well-Known Member
Get Shiny Manaphy:

Train 6 legendary Pokemon up to level 100, but make sure you still have your Master Ball when you finish. Then release all 6 and use your Master Ball on a level 2 Caterpie. Shiny Manapahy should then appear.


Munchlax WILL eat U!
in fr/lg you go to any of the places snorlax is ( must still be there ) and then stand infront of him, run into him, then use surf. then you would be traped in a universe filled with snorlax


Pokemon Trainer
Unlock Pacman
Game: Red/Blue/Green/Yellow

First start a new game named yourself Red and your rival Blue and pick charmander as a starter and lose from Gary and level it up to level 16 before getting the Oak's Process and go to Route 22 and your unlock Pacman


Well-Known Member
okay first one of many to come.
get to hoenn. Get all Kanto starters, to final forms. trade with emerald to get all three hoenn starters. beat elite four (this should be the second time at least [cant be 1st]) with kanto/hoenn starter final forms. after beating elite four, talk to daisy and have her groom each pokemon 2 times. talk to prof. oak 5 times. Groom each pokemon again with daisy one time.fly to vermillion and talk to fan club pres. he will say he wants to travel to far away lands and see all the cute rare pokemon that live there. go talk to the guy at the port and he will say that the ss anne has just returned and will be setting sail for hoenn. but you'll need a ticket. talk to the fan club president again than go to the SAFFARON pokemon center and go to the wifi room with a trainer from emerald. you (frlg trainer) must say hoenn 3 times in a row. the emerald trianer must say kanto twice, then say you should visit me in hoenn. trade your charizard for a blaziken (though you should already have one) at the same level. then trade back. the emerald trainer must say see you soon and then you must leave at the same time.
visit the fan club president again and have Charizard in your first slot. he wil ask you if you have any pokemon from hoenn, and you must talk to him alternating the sceptile, swampert, and blaziken each time. each time he will say that they are so incredible and ask for more. when you show him the last one (order doesnt matter), he will say he has made up his mind and is going to hoenn. he will rush out of the fan club. talk to the lady next to him and she will say that he is so spontaneous. the others will all say the same thing: Hoenn. then you must follow him to the port and he will be arguing with the sailor.
He notices you and asks you to come with him, you will go to the sailor and he will ask you for your rubysapphire pass. you dont have one and the president shows his. the two of you board the boat and the boat is red and blue.
the screen blacks and you arrived in the slateport port. and the president will enter your room. he says that they have arrived, and he is off to find the hoenn fan club. he gives you a parcel and leaves.
go to the parcel in the key items package. select it and it will ask you if you want to open it. slect yes and it will become hoenn clothes. select them and it will ask you if want to put them on. select yes and the hoenn clothes will become kanto clothes. you know are wearing a variation of your kanto clothes:
The hat is white with a green pokeball insignia off to the side, the brim of the hat is red, and the vest is red wear it was red, and green where it was white, you have shorts on that are a deep blue, with a green stripe down the sides. you now have the same gloves and shoes as the emerald character.
leave the boat and you'll be in slateport city. tghe president will recommend you go to see Prof. Birch in littleroot town. a local pedestrian will say that birch is in town at the pokemon fan club. the president will get excited and he will run off. the screen blacks and you are in the fan club.

the ppl are crowded around prof. birch and you must talk to him. he'll intro himslf and he'll invite you back to littleroot town to start a journey in hoenn. your frlg rival will walk in and say he heard the hoenn prof. was there. he'll push the ppl out of the way and yell at you for being there too. prof birch will invite both of you to little root town. the screen blacks and your in littleroot town.
Go to the pokemon lab and your rival will be talking to the hoenn characters. the names of them will be determined by whatever the name of the person you wirelessed with (if you wirelessed with the boy trainer named ruby his name will be ruby, ect. the opposite on will be named brandon or may) . they will ask you if you know where the prof. is and you will say no. go outside and you must find the prof. who is like in the original being chased by a poocheyena. you save him by picking the starter. The opposite gender frlg char will come and say she heard a commotion. you will get to name her and she will say she had snuck on the ss anne when it came to hoenn. and it wont be back for a year. prof. birch gives the 3 kanto trainers the starters. (the rival will get the advantage, and the girl will get the disadvantage). you will realise the kanto pc of yours cant be accessed in hoenn and you only have your starter. you will still have all the pokedex data. you will battle the rival and girl who are also hoenned out:
The rival will be sleeveless and have a red stripe across the chest of his shirt. he will have green shorts and gloves. his shoes will be red and black.
the girl will have a conected shirt and skirt, it will be green, and have a red pokeball symbol on the bottom left hand corner of the bottom of her skirt. her hat will be the same, just white, and green. her socks will be red, adn her shoes white and green.
after healing in the next town, you will fight the hoenn charactrers in a double battle, they will have plusle and minun. continue on teh hoenn journey and after beating the elite four, the hoenn ship wil go to slateport, lilycove, the battle fronteir, or kanto. you will also have the same story line as in rse but the rivals, will help with groudon and kyogre. the other kanto ppl will go back to kanto with you whenever you go. after getting 8 badges you can switch to your kanto clothes at anytime. and that also switches the rival's clothes.

thats alot of typing jeez.

Cloaked Dude123

-={Finish Him!}=-
Wild Mews in FR/LG

1. Beat the Elite Four 20 times.
2. Catch all 3 legendary birds and all 1 of the legendary dogs.
3. Catch Mewtwo.
4. Talk to the guy who lets you on the S.S. Anne.
5. He will let you go on the S.S. Anne. The ship will go to a mysterious island.

There you have it! An island that has wild Mews. There is some berry trees on the island too. If you want to leave, go back on the the ship, and you'll be back on Vermillion city. You can go back, so don't worry. The Mews range from level 80-95. Bring strong Pokemon!


Lazy Summer
*unlimited mewtwos*

first catch a mewtwo, put it in your PC then find a missing no. catch it then add it to the same PC box. save game and shut game off. when you turn it back on the whole box is filled with mewtwos and missing no. disappers


Guess Who's Back?
Underwear Cheat

Emerald Only

Okay, get a Togepi. Deposit every other pokemon, and beat the Elite Four on St. Patrick's Day, using only Togepi. Then, during the credits, press A when togepi goes by on the thing where it shows pokemon. Then, all your pokemon will be wearing underwear when you continue your game!