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Make Up A Yu-Gi-Oh! Card!

On this thread just post Yu-gi-oh cards you made up!(just put the writing and a discription...well you can put a photo if you want!)

Format for Monsters

Monster Type/[Card Type]/[Effect]


Format for Spells and Traps

[Type] Spell/Trap


Credit to cybermew and Revised by Yami Ron

Here are a few of mine

Fire Renforcement!
Normal Magic card!
Description: Give up 1000 life points to special summon up to 3 level 4 or less fire monsters from your deck!

Spirt of the Dragon!
Trap card!
Description:If your oponent attack with a non-dragon monster special summon a dragon monster from your graveyard!(no tribute needed) But the dragon monster losses 500 attack and defence points.

Sword of spirts!
Equip magic card!
Description:This card can only be equip to a spirt monster, the spirt monster does not have to go back to the owners hand at the end of the turn. Increase the spirt monster's attack by 800 points.
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Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
ok then:

White Magician ****** light
'a feirce magician that rivals the dark magician'

X-987 Defence robot ***** earth
'a large robot used to defend the weak and injured soldiers from attack'

X-873 Attack robot ******* earth
'a large attacking robot that knows no end'

Z-X98 Fusion robot ******** earth
[X-987 Defence robot] + [X-873 Attack robot]
this card can only be fusion summoned by the effects of [machine fusion] if polymerisation is used to summon this card,this card is removed from play.

Machine Fusion spell
this card is used to special summon any machine sub type fusion monster by offering the required fusion material and an additional monster as a tribute.

and a new type of card:

Goddess healer fusion spell
[goddess of the third eye] + [dian **** the cure master]
increase your life points by 500 points for each card on the feild.


Here's mine

Blue Eyes Zombie Dragon-Dark
stars 6
Dragon/Union-You can equip this card to a Blue Eyes White Dragon on your side of the field. If you do then that Blue Eyes is not affected by effects/spells/traps. If your opponet destroys the card this one is equiped to then destroy both the attacking monster and this one.
PokemasterJ said:
and a new type of card:

Goddess healer fusion spell
[goddess of the third eye] + [dian **** the cure master]
increase your life points by 500 points for each card on the feild.

great idea but here is one idea of mine

Fierce Mirror Knight
it is a Fusion Trap Monster(a monster which is made out of a monster and a Trap!)
[Gaia The Fierce Knight] + [Mirror Force]
Effect-Offer 1 monster on your side of the feild to destroy one face up attack card on the feild. This can only be actived once a turn.
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scizophrenic shooter

hear this!!!!! my all mighty cards
grumpy old greedy guy LV1
attribute: wind
effect:when you summon this monster, yell "be quiet you damn(dang in english version) whipper snappers!!!!!" if you do this your opponent cannot declare a move and must use sign language to perform a move.
atk: 720(the first with 20)
defense: 1500
rareity: common(hahaha)
picture: a grumpy old man that is standing in a doorway with a walking stick in his hands, and he has his mouth open, and inside the mouth are rusty yellow teeth.

grumpy old greedy guy LV2
attribute: water
effect: if you summon this monster when you have grumpy old greedy guy LV1 on the field, draw cards from your deck until you have 7 cards in your hand. also, when you summon this monster, if you or your opponent touch his teeth, walking stick, or his groin use one of the following effects:
teeth: bite your opponents hand untill it bleeds or until he says " ouch, that hurts!!!!"
walking stick: hit your opponent on the head until he has a head the shape of a pinto bean
groin: you and your opponent get in speedos and use growth pills until you turn into old guys, and you must dance to "mr. roboto" and you must strip off your speedo at the end of the song and must show at least 10 people this dance. this effect applies to your opponent too.
atk: 1500
def: 1630
rareity: uncommon
picture: an old guy dancing in speedos

old grumpy greedy guy LV 3
stars: 3
attribute: earth
effect:if you summon this monster while old grumpy greedy guy is on the field, you may choose one of the following effects:
one: increase your lifepoints by 5000
two: if you win this duel, trade cards with your opponent, and you MUST rip off your opponent.
also: if you smell this card, you and your opponent must dance around and strip off clothes and throw the clothes into a crowd of gays(if your a boy) or a crowd of little scared girls(if you are a girl). If you have old grumpy greedy guy LV 1, 2, and 3 on the field at the same time, draw five cards and you win the duel(you must draw five cards).
rareity: ultimate rare and ultra rare
picture: a mighty old guy that is wearing absolutely nothing, and has a gun in his left hand, and a Michael Jackson glove on his right hand.

The wrath of the old guy
continous spell
effect: if you have old grumpy greedy guy LV 1 or LV 2 on the field while you use this, draw 1/2 of a card from your deck, if your opponent catches you using this card, he/she may slap your hand with a newspaper to cancel the effect of this card, if he/she does not use the newspaper, he/she may slap you with his/her hand, if your opponent does not use any of the following choices, you may draw the rest of the card. if you succeed in drawing the card, slap them on the butt, face, or hand. if old grumpy greedy guy LV 1 or LV 2 leave the field, this card is destroyed.
rareity: super rare
picture: a old fat guy that is about to fall on the opponent.

the old guy's wife
permanent trap
effect: whenever a player uses, activates, sets or puts a card face down, the opposing player may slap the person that is activating the card. if you do not use this effect, the player that was suppose to slap loses 1000 life points.
rareity: common
picture: a old lady that is on the floor, but she seems to be unconscious.

old man's toxic poop
permanent trap
effect: whenever a player touches this card, that player loses 2000 life points per second.
rareity: common
picture: an old guy that is pooping on a toilet.

the hospital
if you or your opponent are pink, or red from being slapped around at the end of the duel, you and your opponent must go to the hospital to receive a band-aid. if you cry during the process, you may draw a card(utterly pointless), if you cry after you draw, you may get a lolipop from the docter.
rareity: secret rare
picture: a hospital with an old guy in a stretcher, and on top of the hospital, is an old guy that is commiting suicde.

sorry if these offended you. :D
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scizophrenic shooter

crouching dog
level-1 star
type: sea serpent(??????)
effect:this card can attack your opponent directly. each time this monster attacks, increase it's attack by 200. In addition, you must pay lifepoints equal to this monsters attack during each of your end phases.
picture-a dog that is jumping over knights, and is about to bite into the freed the matchless general guy.(the guy in the picture of a feint plan, look familiar?)

crazy dog of the west
level-4 stars
effect-when this card is summoned, you may return up to two spell, monster, or trap cards from your graveyard to your hand or deck. if you do this effect, this same effect applies to your opponent. In addition, your opponent returns one more card than you do. During the end of the turn you used this effect, you must pay 200 lifepoints per card you return to your hand, your opponent gains 100 for each card returned to his/her hand or deck.
rareity-ultra rare
picture-a dog that is on fire, but doesn't seem to realise this. But it is also foaming at it's mouth, and it seems to have had a bone for lunch.

dna dinosaur
level-9 stars
effect-during each of your turns, you may change this monster's type to either dinosaur or reptile. when you change this monster's attribute, you may use one of the following effects:
reptile-decrease this monster's attack by 2000, increase your lifepoints by 2000
dinosaur-increase this monster's attack by 2000, decrease your lifepoints by 2000
after you use this effect, you and your opponent must offer a monster on each of your sides of the field. the monsters offered must be of a different type, if not destroy this monster. If you or your opponent don't have any monsters to offer, this monster is destroyed.(you may not offer a token).
picture-a creature in a tube, one side of it is a reptile, and the other side is a slowly morphing into a dinosaur.


Here's another one I made up

Spell card
Tidal Wave Crush-field/ultra rare

what this card does/You can only use this card if there is one or more Water monsters on your side of the field. When this card is activated tribute one water monster on your side of the field, when you do this increase the attack and defense of all water monsters on your side of the field by 1500 points. At the same time destroy all of your opponets non-water monsters and send them to the graveyard.
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Rising Trainer
Shadow Master-Dark
Gains 100 ATK Pts. for every Dark monster in your hand, field, or grave yard.

Light Master-Light
Gains 100 ATK Pts. for every Light monster in your hand, field, or grave yard.

Yin Yang Beast-Spellcaster
If Dark Master and Light Master is in play at the same time, (no matter which player has which card) you can sacrafice them to summon this card. This card gains 500 ATK Pts. for every Dark and Light monster in you and your opponents hand, field, or grave yard.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Haruka's Swimsuit said:
If this monster is female, I'm suing for copyright infringment.

why? and what is copyright infringment?

ok some more spell + monster fusions:

Dark beginnings fusion spell
{magician of black chaos] + [dark hole]
destroy all monsters,spell and trap cards on the feild.for every card destroyed you lose 100 LP.at the end phase of the turn you may summon 1 monster from your graveyard if you have not already summoned a monster this turn.

Magician's force fusion spell
[Dark magician Girl] + [Dark magician] + [sages stone]

pay 1000 life points.You may special summon 1 spellcaster monster from your graveyard.you have to skip your battle phase this turn

Soul sacrifice through time fusion spell

[soul exchange] + [exchange] + [time wizard]
sacrifice one of your face up monsters with over 1500 attack points.trade one card in your hand for a card in your opponents card. after five turns of this card being played you may special summon one of the following cards from your graveyard:
Dark sage
time wizard
baby dragon
or a thousend dragon from your fusion deck.
or draw 5 cards


Another one I made up

normal monster/attribute-earth
name/Battle Bull

monster description/This is the Battle Ox's long lost brother.


*attacks the copyright infringement thing* They didn't know! Jeesh, harsh! Okay, my turn:

Magician Girl
'Sister to the Dark Magician Girl. She is kind to all living creatures and non-living things alike.'

Dragonic Magician *it is a female*
Spellcaster/Dragon/Fusion/Effect *i hope it is allowed, otherwise just dragon/fusion/effect*
Magician Girl + Hyozanryu
This monster can only be gotten by means of Polymerization. Otherwise it will be sent out of play. If you or your enemy places Dragon Trap Jar on the field face-up, you may sacrifice this monster and special summon Magician of Alliroe from either your fusion deck, graveyard, or out of play.'
Actual description: 'Guardian of all dragon monsters. Her eyes can see a dragon in pain or torment from up to 1,000,000 miles away.'

Magician of Allliroe *female also*
'This card can only be summoned by either sacrificing a Dragonic Magician or by sacrificing a Magician Girl and a Hyozanryu when a dragon trap jar is in play on either you or your opponent's side of the field. This card is unaffected by god cards. If a god card is placed on the field, it can only attack this card. It's attack and defense are raised by 500 for each magic, or trap card on either you or your opponents side of the field.'
Actual Description: 'Her glowing blue dress and silken cape wave in the wind. She guards the entrance to Alliroe, the home to many monsters known to duelists around the world. Her keeper, Ra, now must bow before her prowess, like she once did to him as well...'

Spell Dragon
Dark Magician + Blue Eyes White Dragon
Actual Description: 'The master of all things magical. It knows but one curse, but this curse will survive forever on.'

That is all :)


I made a whole 80-card set. Comments?

---Wrath of Dragonriders---

(Secret Rare)
Black Luster Dragonrider - Envoy of Chaos
Level 11
A 4000
D 3500

"Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning" + "Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End"
This card can only be Fusion Summoned by the above Fusion Material monsters. During your Main Phase 1, pay 1000 Life Points to destroy all cards on the field except this card. This effect can only be used once during the current Duel, and you must skip your Battle Phase during the turn this effect is activated.

Art: Black Luster Soldier riding Chaos Emperor Dragon. He has his sword pointing straight up, and it's absorbing a great deal of energy.

Double Draw

Pay 1500 Life Points. As long as this card is face-up on the field, during each of your Draw Phases, Draw 2 cards instead of one, then select one of those two cards and remove it from play. Only one "Double Draw" can exist on your side of the field at a time.

Art: A hand holding two cards

Gemini Dragon
Level 4
A 1900
D 0900

Twin dragons that can either attack independently or as one.

Art: A blue dragon on the left and a purple dragon on the right.

(Super Rare)
Gemini Dragonrider
Level 5
A 1900
D 1800

"Gemini Elf" + "Gemini Dragon"
This monster can attack twice during the same Battle Phase. This card cannot be returned to the Fusion Deck by a card effect. If a card effect Special Summons this card from the Fusion Deck, the card effect is negated.

Art: Gemini Elf twins riding Gemini Dragon twins. The purple one is on the right side, flying left at 45 degrees, and the blue on the left, flying right at 45 degrees.

Twin Lances of Gaia
Only a monster with "Dragonrider" in its name may be equipped with this card. A monster equipped with this card may attack twice during the same Battle Phase. This card's activation and effect is not negated by "Dragon's Lair".

Art: Gaia the Dragon Champion's twin lances.

D.D. Dragonrider (Common)
Level 6
A 1800
D 2100
"D.D. Warrior Lady" + "Different Dimension Dragon"
When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, pay 800 Life Points to Special Summon this card to your side of the field in face-up Attack Position. This must be declared when this card is destroyed. This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Fusion Deck.

Art: D.D. Warrior Lady riding Different Dimension Dragon. The background is a black vortex.

Gilford the Lightning (Rare)
Level 9
ATK 2800/DEF 1400
When this card is Tribute Summoned successfully by offering 3 monsters on your side of the field as a Tribute, destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field. During your next Battle Phase, this is the only monster that can attack.

Art: A muscular warrior holding up a large sword that is being struck by lightning.

(Ultra Rare)
Gilford the Dragonrider of Lightning
Level 10
ATK 3300/DEF 1600
"Gilford the Lightning" + "Thunder Dragon"
This monster can only be Special Summoned by Fusion Summon. When this monster is Fusion Summoned, add one Dragonrider monster card from your Deck to your hand. Your Deck is then shuffled.

Art: Gilford riding a Thunder Dragon. The dragon's lightning breath and a lightning beam from Gilford's sword are merging into one blast.

All Dragon-type monsters and Dragonrider monsters' ATK and DEF are halved as long as this card is face-up on the field.

Art: A potion with a decal of a dragon head covered with a red skull-and-crossbones on it.

Dirt Dragon
Level 4
A 1850
D 0500
A dragon living deep underground. It can cause an earthquake by flying up, then diving into the ground.

Art: A brown, earth-element-looking dragon.

Phoenix Dragon
Level 3
A 1600
D 0000
A dragon cloaked in flames. Its breath is white-hot.

Art: A flame shaped like Curse of Dragon.

Storm Dragon
Level 4
A 1850
D 0500
A small and agile dragon capable of summoning ferocious windstorms and lightning storms.

Art: Storm Drgn of Final Fantasy VI

Dragonrider of Flames
Level 5
A 2100
D 0900
"Phoenix Dragon" + "Flame Manipulator"
Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 200 points for every FIRE monster in the Graveyard.

Art: Flame Manipulator on the Phoenix Dragon. He is chanting a spell.

Thunderfairy Dragonrider
Level 6
A 2400
D 1700
"Storm Dragon" + "Thunder Nyan Nyan"
When this card is destroyed, both players may Draw up to 3 cards from their respective Decks at a cost of 1000 Life Points per card.

Art: Thunder Nyan Nyan riding Storm Dragon. They are diving at a steep angle.

(Super Rare)
Grepher Dragonrider
Level 9
A 3300
D 3200
"Warrior Dai Grepher" + "Tyrant Dragon"
This card may not be targeted by Trap Cards that specifically designate a target.

Art: Replace the dragon on the "Dragon Manipulator" card with Tyrant Dragon and you have it. The dragon is letting loose a large burst of flame.

The Rush for Dragons
[Spell Card]
Add 1 Dragon-type monster from your Deck to your hand. Show your opponent the card, then shuffle your Deck. You cannot select a monster that cannot be Normal Summoned. If the monster you selected is Level 5 or higher, pay 1000 Life Points.

Art: A group of swordsman running toward a distant cave.

Ready for Dragonflight
As long as this card is face-up on the field, Dragonrider Fusion monsters may be Fusion Summoned without using "Polymerization".

Art: Three swordsman mounting small dragons. A fourth is in the sky.

Dark Magician Dragonrider
Level 8
A 3100
D 2300
"Dark Magician" + "Red-Eyes B. Dragon"

Art: Dark Magician standing on Red-Eyes B. Dragon in flight. Background is of dark clouds.

(Ultra Rare)
Dragon Spreads its Wings
As long as this card is face-up on the field, instead of Normal Summoning a monster, you may Special Summon 1 Dragonrider Fusion monster from your Fusion Deck by offering Tributes as if you were Normal Summoning the monster.

Art: Chaos Emperor Dragon flying, wings outstretched. Front view from beneath the dragon.

Harpie Dragonrider
Level 8
A 2500
D 2700
"Harpie Lady" + "Harpie's Pet Dragon"
Increase the ATK of this card by 500 points for each "Harpie Lady" on the field. When this card is destroyed or returned to the Fusion Deck, Special Summon the "Harpie Lady" used as Fusion-Material for this fusion.

Art: Harpie Lady riding her pet dragon. She is armed with a Rose Whip.

Black Luster Dragonrider
Level 9
A 3500
D 2800
"Black Luster Soldier" + "Curse of Dragon"

Art: Replace Gaia with Black Luster Soldier on the "Gaia the Dragon Champion" card and you have it, except that he's holding his Chaos Sword instead of twin lances.

Dragon's Agility
As long as this card is face-up on the field, monsters on your side of the field with "Dragonrider" in their card names may not be attacked by your opponent's monsters. If the only Monster Cards on your side of the field are monsters with "Dragonrider" in their card names, your opponent's attacking monsters attack your Life Points directly.

Art: Gaia the Dragon Champion flying straight to the right. The monster has a large motion blur effect added due to the tremendous flight speed.

Banishing Staff
Monsters destroyed in battle by a monster equipped with this card are removed from play.

Art: A magician's staff with a dragon head at the business end.

Pay your Life Points (in multiples of 1000 points). At each of your Standby Phases, do one of the following:
() Increase your Life Points by 20 precent of the Life Points you paid to activate this card.
() Destroy this card, then increase your Life Points by 120 percent of the Life Points you paid to activate this card.

Art: A green wad of money.

Increase your Life Points by a multiple of 1000 points. When this card is destroyed or removed from the field, pay the same number of Life Points. At each Standby Phase (yours and your opponent's) following the 4th Standby Phase after the activation of this card, pay 10 percent of the amount your Life Points were increased by when you activated this card, OR destroy this card.

Art: A red wad of money.

Junk Bond
Pay 2000 Life Points. Increase your Life Points by 1200 points during each Standby Phase. During each Standby Phase, toss a coin and call it. If you call it wrong, destroy this card.

Art: A check with a semitransparent "Konami" logo on it.

Kishido Warrior
Level 4
A 1800
D 1500
An agile warrior with a sharp sword. It is said that he rides a baby "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" into battle.

Art: The warrior shown on the "Kishido Spirit" and "White Dragon Ritual" cards.

Blue-Eyes Baby Dragon
Level 5
A 2200
D 1200
A legendary "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" in its youth. Though it is young and has little battle experience, its "White Lightning" attack is still a force to be reckoned with.

Art: The dragon on the "Paladin of White Dragon" card.

(Super Rare)
Kishido Dragonrider
Level 6
A 2350
D 1900
"Kishido Warrior" + "Blue-Eyes Baby Dragon"
When your opponent destroys this monster as a result of battle, your opponent receives the Battle Damage from this attack. When this card is destroyed as a result of battle, Special Summon 1 "Paladin of Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your Fusion Deck.

Art: The same monster that's on the "Paladin of White Dragon" card, but they're flying.

(Ultra Rare)
Paladin of Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Level 9
A 3400
D 3200
"Kishido Warrior" + "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"
This monster is considered to have "Dragonrider" in its card name. If this card is destroyed at any time after being Special Summoned by the effect of "Kishido Dragonrider", remove this card from play.

Art: Kishido Warrior riding a fully-grown Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The dragon is unleashing a blast of "White Lightning".

Dragon's Lair
Monsters with "Dragonrider" in their card names may not be targeted by Spell Cards, Trap Cards, or Effect monsters' effects that specifically designate a target unless the Effect monster is a Dragon-type or Warrior-type monster, or has "Dragonrider" in its card name. Increase the ATK and DEF of all monsters with "Dragonrider" in their card names by 500 points.

Art: A large cavern with several dragons flying around, including Alligator's Sword Dragon.

Reverse Gravity Bind
If "Gravity Bind" is on the field at the time of this card's activation, destroy all "Gravity Bind" cards on the field. If "Gravity Bind" is activated at a later time, destroy this card. If this card and "Gravity Bind" are activated in the same Chain, both cards are destroyed. All monsters of Level 5 or lower cannot attack.

Art: "Gravity Bind" vertically inverted.

Phantom Dragon
Level 1
A 0100
D 0000
This monster may attack your opponent's Life Points directly. Every time this monster attacks your opponent's Life Points directly, increase the ATK of this monster by 800 points. When this monster is destroyed as a result of battle, destroy the attacking monster.

Art: A translucent, ghostly-appearing dragon in a graveyard background.

Reaper Dragonrider
Level 3
A 0300
D 0200
"Spirit Reaper" + "Phantom Dragon"
This monster can only be Special Summoned by Fusion Summon. This monster is not destroyed as a result of battle at any time, although damage calculation is applied normally. This monster may attack your opponent's Life Points directly. When this monster attacks your opponent's Life Points directly, increase the ATK of this card by 800 points and randomly select 1 card from your opponent's hand and discard it to the Graveyard.

Art: Spirit Reaper riding the Phantom Dragon into the night sky. The reaper's scythe is pointing straight ahead.

Dragon Mercenary
Level 4
A 1800
D 1450
When this card attacks a Dragon-type monster, destroy the monster immediately with this card's effect without activating the Dragon-type monster's effect or damage calculation.

Art: A sword-wielding warrior slightly resembling Han Solo of Star Wars.

Dragonic Rejuvenation
If there is no Dragon-type monster on your side of the field, destroy this card. Increase your Life Points by 1400 points during each of your Standby Phases.

Art: A dragon facing forward, absorbing energy.

(Super Rare)
Destruction of the Fittest
Destroy all face-up monsters on the field with ATK of 2200 or higher.

Art: Raigeki striking one of a series of monsters.

Peace Treaty
Monsters of the same Type may not attack each other. If a monster attacks a face-down monster of the same Type, negate the attack.

Art: A close-up of a man signing a paper.

Go Easy on Me!
Destroy all Level 5 or higher Monster Cards in both players' hands.

Art: A child holding his hands up.

Anti Negation
Whenever a player activates a card to negate Magic or Trap card(s), the player who activated the card takes 1000 points of damage to his/her Life Points. This card's effect and activation cannot be negated by any other card.

Art: "Magic Jammer" with a red X over it.

Trap Sweeper
You can only activate this card when you have at least 1 Trap Card in your hand. Both players show their hands to each other, then remove from play all Trap Cards in their respective hands.

Art: A large broom sweeping up bear traps.

(Ultra Rare)
Rebirth of the Elect
Select 1 Normal Monster in your Graveyard and remove it from play. If this card is still face-up on the field after a number of Standby Phases have passed greater then or equal to the monster's Level Stars / 2, Special Summon the monster to your side of the field and destroy this card.

Art: A white mage chanting a spell in front of a coffin.

Medicine Thief
Level 4
A 1750
D 1450

As long as this face-up card is in your control, whenever your opponent's Life Points are increased, increase your Life Points by the same amount.

Art: A burglar with a bag full of healing potions.

Berserk Dragon #2
Level 4
A 2100
D 0050

During your Standby Phase, if there is no Attack Position monster on your side of the field with ATK of 500 or less, this monster is changed to Defense Position and must remain in this position for the rest of the turn.

Art: A buff red dragon swiping his claw.

Choice Spell

Only 1 "Choice Spell" can be on your side of the field at a time. Select 1 Type of monster. Increase the ATK and DEF of all monsters of that Type on your side of the field by 800 points. Monsters of another Type that are Summoned or flipped face-up while this card is active are immediately destroyed without activating their effects. If a monster of another Type is flipped up as a result of battle, this card's effect is applied after damage calculation.

Art: A five-by-four square of circles on a scroll. Only one is colored; the rest are gray.

(Super Rare)
Skull Dragon Archfiend
Level 9
A 3200
D 2500
"Skull Archfiend of Lightning" + "Red-Eyes B. Dragon"
The controller of this card pays 900 Life Points during each of his/her Standby Phases (this is not optional.) When your opponent activates a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster card that targets or removes from the field this card, when resolving the effect, roll a six-sided die. If the result is 1, 2, 3, or 6, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card.

Art: B. Skull Dragon surrounded by a yellow aura.

Metal Dragon #2
Level 5
A 2000
D 2150
A winged dragon reinforced with lightweight, but strong, metal armor.

Art: A dragon wearing metal plates to protect its front side. Viewed from the front.

Robotic Dragonrider
Level 8
A 2600
D 2850
"Metal Dragon #2" + "Robotic Knight"
Increase the ATK of this monster by 500 points if there is a face-up "Machine King" on your side of the field. Increase the ATK of this monster by 1000 points if there is a face-up "Perfect Machine King" on your side of the field.

Art: Robotic Kinght riding Metal Dragon #2. The rider is firing lasers from his
left-arm laser gun.

(Ultra Rare)
Dragonrider from the Lost Age
Level 8
A 2900
D 2700
This card can only be Ritual Summoned by the Ritual Spell Card, "Dragonrider's Oath". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand.

Art: A warrior wielding a long sword while riding a powerful--but small--white dragon.

Dragonrider's Oath
This card is used to Ritual Summon "Dragonrider from the Lost Age". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand.

Art: A long sword nudged into a pedestal that is emitting a white light.

(Ultra Rare)
Dragon-Goddess of Destruction
Level 9
A 3200
D 2500
If this card is Tribute Summoned by offering 3 monsters on your side of the field as a Tribute, destroy all Monster Cards on your opponent's side of the field. Your Battle Phase cannot be conducted during the turn this card is summoned. When this card destroys a Dragon-type monster in battle, inflict 900 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. If either player has a face-up "Dragon-God of Rejuvenation" on his/her side of the field, this card cannot attack.

Art: A red and gold Berserk Dragon rearing in flames.

(Ultra Rare)
Dragon-God of Rejuvenation
Level 9
A 2500
D 3200
If this card is Tribute Summoned by offering 3 monsters as Tribute, increase the Life Points of each player by 2500 points. Your opponent cannot conduct his/her next Battle Phase when this card is summoned. When this card destroys a Dragon-type monster in battle, you may Special Summon it to your side of the field during the End Phase of that turn at the cost of 400 Life Points per Level Star. If either player has a face-up "Dragon-Goddess of Destruction" on his/her side of the field, this card cannot attack.

Art: A Kishido Warrior riding on a blue Kiryu.

(Super Rare)
Dragon-Goddess of Neutrality
Level 9
A 2850
D 2850
If this card is Tribute Summoned by offering 3 monsters as Tribute, both players check all face-down cards on the field, and any Flip Effects Monsters and/or Trap cards found are sent to the Graveyard. During your Standby Phase, you may roll 2 six-sided dice. If both results are 1, 3, or 5, destroy all monsters on the field. If both results are 2 or 6, destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field. If one result is 1, 3, or 5 and the other is 2 or 6, both players discard their hands to the Graveyard. If either result is 4, both players combine all cards on their respective sides of the field with their hands and Graveyards and remove them from play. This card cannot attack during the turn this effect is activated.

Art: A red and silver Hyozanryu.

The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend
You can only activate this card when you have "Dragon-Goddess of Destruction", "Dragon-God of Rejuvenation", and "Dragon-Goddess of Neutrality" face-up on your side of the field. During the turn this card is activated, all 3 of those monsters may attack, but none may attack a player directly.

Art: The Neutral Dragon-Goddess forcing the other two to shake hands(Destruction on the left, Rejuvenation on the right); the other two have looks of deep resentment on their faces.

Name Your Poison
Pay 1500 Life Points. Declare 3 Monster Types. Your opponent must select one of the declared Types and send to the Graveyard from his/her Deck every Monster Card of that Type.

Art: A nervous-looking man with four face-down cards on the table in front of him.

(Super Rare)
Barrier Dragon
Level 4
A 0000
D 2100
As long as this card remains on the field in face-up Attack Position, it cannot be destroyed as a result of battle or by the effect of a card controlled by your opponent. (Damage calculation is still applied normally.) Every time this card is attacked, increase this card's ATK by 700 points.

Art: A Blackland Fire Dragon crouching behind a clear blue barrier while a Barrel Dragon fires at it.

I'm no Beast of Burden!
You can only activate this card when a Dragon-type monster on your side of the field becomes the target of a Continuous Spell, Equip Spell, or Trap Card controlled by your opponent. Negate the effect of the card and destroy it.

Art: The dragon on the Paladin of White Dragon card knocking away its rider.

A Dragon's Sense of Dignity
You may activate this card when a player equips an Equip card to a Dragon-type monster. Destroy all Equip cards equipped to Dragon-type monsters.

Art: A Koumori Dragon knocking a bottle of Red Medicine out of a Dark Magician Girl's hand; the dragon is severely wounded.

Secret Stash of Jewels
You may only activate this card if you have a face-up Dragon-type monster on your side of the field. Shuffle this card face-up into your Deck. When this card is drawn or picked up, it is immediately discarded to the Graveyard. At that time, you may search your Deck for up to 2 Spell or Trap cards and add them to your hand. The Deck is then shuffled.

Art: The Pharaoh's Treasure with a Dragon Treasure sitting on top of the jewels.

Desperation Attack
You can only activate this card when the only card on your side of the field (excluding this card) is a Monster Card with ATK of 1600 or less, and your opponent has at least 1 monster on the field. Increase the ATK of the Monster Card on your side of the field by 2500 points during the turn this card is activated.

Art: A badly wounded warrior making a jump slash with his sword.

Pay 500 Life Points. Send a number of cards on your side of the field to the Graveyard (excluding this card). Your opponent must send the same number of cards on his/her side of the field to the Graveyard.

Art: A doomed warrior dragging an enemy warrior into a large explosion.

Chaos Blade
A monster with "Dragonrider" in its card name equipped with this card increases its ATK by 1200 points.

Art: Black Luster Soldier's sword.

(Ultra Rare)
Pilfered Power Blast
You can only activate this card if you have a face-up "Relinquished" on your side of the field that is equipped with a monster. If the monster is face-down, send it to its owner's Graveyard to destroy all Spell and Trap cards on your opponent's side of the field. If the monster is face-up, send it to the owner's Graveyard to destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field with more than 1500 ATK. "Relinquished" cannot attack during the turn this card is activated.

Art: Relinquished, having assimilated a Dark Magician, fires a beam at Leghul.

Wdjat-Eye Dragon
Level 7
A 2850
D 2550
"Red-Eyes B. Dragon" + "A Man with Wdjat"
Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you may pay 1000 Life Points to select and activate one of the following effects:
() Look at all of your opponent's face-down cards.
() Look at your opponent's hand. Select 1 card in the hand and return it to its owner's Deck. The Deck is then shuffled.

Art: A Red-Eyes B. Dragon with the symbol from the Millenium Puzzle on its chest; it appears to be deep in meditation.

The Eye of Anubis
You may activate this card when you are attacked by a monster whose effect includes "This monster may attack your opponent's Life Points directly." Return all monsters whose effects include those words to their owner's hands. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, Effect monsters whose effects include "This monster may attack your opponent's Life Points directly" cannot attack a player directly.

Art: The "Eye of Anubis" logo found in the corner of a typical Yu-Gi-Oh! card. A gold object of that shape is firing a beam at Leghul.

WOD-EN065 (Common)
The Eye of Horus
When your opponent activates "The Eye of Anubis", or it is face-up on your opponent's side of the field, negate the effect of "The Eye of Anubis" and destroy it. Then move 1 "Horus the Black Flame Dragon" (of any LV) from your Deck to your hand. Your Deck is then shuffled.

Art: A falcon-headed person bearing the Millenium Puzzle's symbol is destroying the Eye of Anubis with a club.

(Super Rare)
Thousand-Eyes Black Dragon
Level 7
A 2400
D 2000
"Red-Eyes B. Dragon" + "Thousand-Eyes Restrict"
Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you may select one of your opponent's face-up monsters on the field and equip it to this card as an Equip Magic card. While equipped, this card's ATK is increased by an amount equal to half the ATK of the monster, and its DEF increases by half the DEF of the monster. Discard a DARK monster from your hand to stop all other monsters on the field from attacking for 2 of your opponent's turns. This second effect can only be used once per Duel.

Art: A Red-Eyes B. Dragon covered in eyes, rather like the Thousand Eyes Restrict; the end of its tail bears the Restrict's golden eye.

Thousand-Eyes Bible
Each player sees the top 5 cards from their opponent's Deck, rearranges them in any order desired, then places the cards on top of the owner's Decks.

Art: Thousand-Eyes Idol reading a very large black book.

Mysterious Card Swap
Return all cards that have been removed from play to the owners' respective Graveyards. Both players then select from their respective Graveyards the same number of cards returned to their respective Graveyards by this card's effect and remove them from play.

Art: Similar to the "Shift" card, except there are are three cards where a single monster was.

Stealth Dragon
Level 4
A 1720
D 1550
During times of war, this dragon often sneaks behind enemy lines, relaying information to the allied side. In battle, however, its power is subpar.

Art: A small, blue dragon, peering its head around a corner at an enemy conference.

Ninja Dragonrider
Level 7
ATK 2370/DEF 2150
"Stealth Dragon" + "Strike Ninja"
Once per turn, at any time during either player's turn, you may remove from play 1 DARK monster or 1 Dragon-type monster, and 1 other card in your Graveyard to remove this card from play until the End Phase of the turn.

Art: Strike Ninja riding the Stealth Dragon. The background is heavily blurred to illustrate the dizzying speed of the dragon.

Draco-Warrior Chukarra
[Sea Serpent]
Level 4
A 1810
D 0290
A dragoness who has an entire army at her beck and call. She plots revenge on the witch who stole her home.

Art: A Troop Dragon with silvery scales.

Draco-Druidess Shimmer
[Sea Serpent/Effect]
Level 4
A 1800
D 0450
FLIP: Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 500 points for each "Draco-Warrior Chukarra" on your side of the field. When this monster is Flip Summoned, you may
select 1 Normal Spell Card from your Deck, shuffle the Deck, and place the card
face-up on top of the Deck. You must pay 2000 Life Points to activate the card.

Art: A Troop Dragon with bloodred scales and armed with Dark Magician Girl's staff; a silver pearl is visible on her forehead.

WOD-EN073 (Common)
Kingdom of the Lost Sea
Decrease the ATK and DEF of all WATER monsters on the field by 800 points. WATER monsters may now attack twice during the same Battle Phase. Every time a "Draco-Druidess Shimmer" or a "Draco-Sorcerer Pomfret" attacks, Special Summon 1 "Dragon Soldier Token" (Dragon/WATER/4 Stars/ATK 1500/DEF 1500) to the side of the field that the attacking "Draco-Druidess Shimmer" or "Draco-Sorcerer Pomfret" is on. A "Dragon Soldier Token" cannot attack during the same turn it was Summoned.

Art: Identical to A Legendary Ocean, but Troop Dragons of various colors are swimming about.

Draco-Sorcerer Pomfret
[Sea Serpent/Effect]
Level 4
A 0450
D 1800
When this monster is Flip Summoned, you may select 1 Continuous Trap Card from your Deck, shuffle the Deck, and place the card face-up on top of the Deck. You must pay 2000 Life Points to activate the card. Each time a "Dragon Soldier Token" is destroyed, put 1 Spell Counter on thie card (max. 10). Remove 10 Spell Counters from this card to select 1 card from your Deck, show it to your opponent, and add it to your hand.

Art: A Troop Dragon with royal blue scales and armed with Dark Magician's staff.

You can only activate this card if you have a face-up "Draco-Druidess Shimmer" or "Draco-Sorcerer Pomfret" on your side of the field. Select and activate one of the following effects:

() Special Summon 1 "Dragon Soldier Token"(Dragon/WATER/4 Stars/ATK 1500/DEF 1500) to each empty Monster Card Zone on your side of the field.
() Special Summon 1 "Draco-Warrior Chukarra" from your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard.

Art: Draco-Druidess stands at a podium, apparently giving orders to the crowd in front of her(viewed from back).

(Ultra Rare)
[Sea Serpent/Fusion/Effect]
Level 10
A 3350
D 3450
"Draco-Warrior Chukarra" + "Draco-Druidess Shimmer" + "Draco-Sorcerer Pomfret"
This monster can only be Special Summoned by fusing the above monsters with the Spell card, "Polymerization". When this card is successfully Fusion Summoned, destroy all other cards on your side of the field and Special Summon 4 "Draconian Rebel Tokens" (Dragon/WATER/8 Stars/ATK: 2000/DEF: 2000)] to your side of the field. When a "Draconian Rebel Token" is destroyed, you may pay 1000 Life Points to replace it with another "Draconian Rebel Token". As long as this card remains face-up on the field, you cannot Normal Summon, Set, or Special Summon any monsters.

Art: Draco-Druidess and Draco-Sorcerer lead Draco-Warrior and an army of Troop Dragons.

Type Shift
Declare a Type of monster. The equipped monster is treated as the declared Type.

(Super Rare)
Vampiric Touch
When the equipped monster inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points,
declare 1 card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap). Your opponent selects 1 card of
that type and sends it to the Graveyard.

(Secret Rare)
Ultimate Dragon Blast
You can only activate this card when you have a Level 8 or higher Dragon-type monster on your side of the field. Destroy all cards on the field and in both players' hands.


I'm only going to post two and just for the record it is a new god card and a millenium item card. LAP001
(Secret Rare)
Millenium Staff
{Millenium Item/Effect}
Level 8
Atk: 4000
Def: 4500
"The controller of this card may special summon one "Leviathan The Ancient One from his or her deck. Then the controller may equip "Leviathan The Ancient One" with "Millenium Staff". "Leviathan The Ancient One" now gains 2000 atk. and def. "Millenium Staff" is not affected by spell/trap cards.

(Secret Rare)
Leviathan The Ancient One
{Watera Divine Beast/Effect}
Atk: 4000
Def: 4000
"Leviathan The Ancient One" can't be normal summoned or set. To special summon "Leviathan The Ancient One" you must sacrifice two dragon type monsters and remove them from play. "Leviathan The Ancient One is not affected by magic/trap cards. "Leviathan The Ancient One" may negate the effect of any monster. "Millenium Staff" may be equipped to this card. When "Millenium Staff" is equipped to this card, increase this card's atk. by 2000 points.


Winged Blade ****
Effect Warrior - Light
1850 - 1000
Can also be equipped with cards that power up fairies.

Goddess of the White Clouds ********
[Dark Magician Girl + Mokey Mokey]
Fusion Effect Spellcaster - Dark
3500 - 3000
By sacrificing 3500 of your LP you can special summon up to four 4 to 7 star monsters to the field.

Silend Girl **
Effect Fiend - Water
300 - 300
By Sacraficing 3 Flying Fish cards you can make this monsters attack 3000


Just thought of another

Vortex of Doom
When this card is activated destroy all level 4 or higher monsters on both players fields. As long as this card remains on the field any level 4 or higher monster is destroyed if the card is facedown flip it faceup if it has an effect negate it and destroy it.

scizophrenic shooter

here's some more.
Happy fun guy
level-2 stars
effect-when you put this monster on the field, draw five cards, after this effect, you win the duel.
rareity-common(now everyone can have an exodia-like thing!!!!!!)
picture-a guy that is happy and he is wearing a peace sign on his shirt, but he is also standing in front of a bunch of hippies.

mad scientist
level-5 stars
description-a scientist that is mad. He seems to have been angry for a while.
picture-a mad guy that is trying to make a frankenstein thingy.

mad scientist's freaky invention
spell card
effect-when you have a "mad scientist" on the field, you may choose one of the following effects:
*decrease your lifepoints by 500 for each card on the field. If you do, you may destroy all cards on your opponents side of the field.
*Offer one "mad scientist" on your side of the field. Special summon one "frankenstein wanna-be from your hand or deck.
picture-a mad scientist that is trying to choose which one of his inventions to activate first.

frankenstein wanna-be
level-6 stars
effect-this card can't be normal summoned, flip summoned, or special summoned, EXCEPT by the effect of "mad scientist's freaky invention". When this card is summoned properly, put one "axe of despair" on this monster(you do not equip this card to it) from your hand, graveyard or deck. When there is an "axe of despair" on this card, increase this monster's attack by 3000. During each of your endphases, pay 500 lifepoints(this is optional), if you do, draw one card from your deck.
rareity-ultimate rare
picture-a frankenstein thing with an axe of despair in it's hands. It is trying to look like a pro at an axe(it's stance).

axe of shame
equip spell card
effect-when you equip this card to a monster, you may activate one of the following effects:
*decrase the monster's attack by half, if you do, increase your life points by half of your opponent's life points.
*decrease your lifepoints by half. If you do, increase a monster's attack equiped with this card by 5000.
At the end of the turn, return this card to your hand(all effects off increaseing a monsters attack or decreasing a monster's attack are reset.).
picture-an axe that the dark ruler ha des(hades) is holding in his hands, he seems to be giving it to a really brittle man.
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I just thought of one more^-^.

Harpie Queen *******
Winged Beast - Wind
2850 - 2500
A harpie with the strength and beauty of a god.


yet another one I made up

Trap card

Trap Vortex

When your opponent summons a monster with an attack of 500 or more remove it from play.