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Make your pokedream a reality

Welcome to the shop!

The shop isSleeping

Do you want a fake pre evo or of a pokemon? Well this is the place to ask!

1. No spamming
2. Dont rush me
3. Tell me how you like it

1. combusken1994

My best example

Name~ Carlio
Description~ Male Evolution of Ralts
Last edited:


Come at me bro.
ok, umbreon evo


Where is the rum?...
cool umbreon evo ^^...hows about a lugie evo ^^ ;004;
requests are open, but I may change the shop around a bit, adding on everything, like banners, sprites, tcs, etc.


Active Member
your drawings are weird but
can you make a seviper evo please..
how do you put your drawings into the forums, i like drawing evo or pre evo of pokemon but the problem is i cant put it on the computer