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Making a Stand


So I had my last team rated and followed all of the advice. But it was easily decimated by popular pokemon like T-tar, Garchomp, etc. This new team is built specifically with those pokemon in mind.

Swampert @???
Ice beam
Stealth Rock

This is to be used specifically against starting pokemon. Allows me to see if Infernape is carrying Grass knot. Also stops intimidating Salamence from getting in a dragon dance for free with ice beam.

Brozong @???
Trait: Levitate
Grass knot
Calm mind
Gyro Ball

I thought it would be a good idea to keep grass knot for rhyperior. Is gyro ball good enough? This is for stopping stone edge and stupid DD pokemon.

Tyranitar @Life Orb
Trait: Sandstream
Stone Edge
Dragon Dance

I figure with three pokemon unharmed by sandstorm I should be okay using him.

Blissey @???
Nature: Bold
Trait: aromoatheraphy
Ice beam

Nothing special here.

Arcanine @???
Nature: Adament
Trait: Intimidate
Flare blitz
Extreme Speed
Ice fang

I need extreme speed over body slam.

Gallade @ ???
Nature: Adament
Close combat
Night Slash

I already know this moveset has problems. I just don't know what to do with it.

What I really need to know is how this team handles T-tar, Salamence, Garchomp, etc. Most of the battles I've fought trainers have simply ported over their old pokemon and given them a new TM. I need to be able to stand up to these OU pokemon and want to know if this team can do that. If not what do I need to do so it can?


Arcanine doesn't learn Ice Fang.
Hydro Pump > waterfall on pert.

Aromatherapy is not a trait and Blissey also does not learn Submission.

Team overall actually seems rushed, since a lot of itmes haven't been placed, natures not been given and evs not been shown.
And the genral mistakes I see so far.