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Man I hate myself,, help!!!

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Man,, this happened to me a lot of time,,,, this is my third time!!!!!

I have all the pokemon version on my GBASP but I play emerald the most,,,

So I caught 200 pokemon trading and all those stuff and 1 day,,, it says save battery is dry or something and it starts over!!! this is my third time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! little help??

anyway to prevent this or is this just the force of nature?

Please,, I do not want my save data to get BOOM!!! again,,


Obsessive Beader/Mod
This sounds like a fake game situation to me. Fake copies of Emerald tend to start over every time you beat the E4.

Is the game cart grey or black? If so it's a fake game.


Master Breeder
oddly, my emerald (perfectly legit, hit 400+ hours after the E4) had the same problem. i'm not sure why it happens, but i've just sort of given up on using it and got a new emerald from someone else.

i asked nintendo, and the rep i talked to said that that message is only supposed to show up if you've used a GS/AR, which i haven't. however, they refused to replace it.

also, TRJessie, what does your custom user title mean? what's an "Obsessive Beader"?
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