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Manaphy Tamagotchi!

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
I'm not making this up for the record! Though it's ferociously rare to find nowadays, it exhists! All I could dig up on it is that it was made by Tomy, hasa Manaphy as the protagonist and, well... that's about it! Does anyone know where I or others could buy it? What kind of games/ minigames are there on it? Are there any other playable characters aside from manaphy? Since its only available in Japanese, is it possible for one say of english speaking toungue to bypass this lanuage barrier that has slightly divided gamersf or some time? Most importantly is it worth getting? Also, why hasn't this and TCG 2 been added to www.serebii.net?


Are you really sure about this? Please include a picture :(


Well-Known Member
I've seen that before on the official site it's been a long time so I don't know the url it had sorry.
if you know the name of it you can check ebay, google or something like that.


The Plot Thickens
That is 100% real. That...is...like...freakin awesome.

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
Now that I know real I was just wondering... is it simple enough to bypass the Japanese-english barrier? What'd you say the odds of it coming to North America are?

king of blue

That's me!
Prabaly none. Unless you know the japanese languge, to bad.


j-pop lover
yes it is real
i saw one when i was in japan
it's called manaphy egg or something if i recall correctly
it's more like a mini game device than a tamagochi i think