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Manaphy up for grabs

I have a Manaphy up for trades. I am willing to accept shinies or a legit untouched Timid Celebi for it.


bassface OWNZZ
Shiny groudon + shiny magby. Groudon is at lv. 100 trained to serebii pokemon of the week. Both have 31 IVs in everything. Magby is untouched at level five
Deal. Did you want anything is particular as my second Pokémon? I have most starters.


bassface OWNZZ
Throw in a turtwig. And we can trade. Is your FC in your trainer card?
Yep. I'll just get a Turtwig. Is it okay if it is still an egg?

Oh, and are they both legit? It doesn't really bother me, but I want to know.


bassface OWNZZ
Of course. I have alot of them (Emerald cloning glitch)

Hatched Turtwig.
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