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Manectric Charge! (335)

Pinky the Mew

I am a master!
Actually, Ash (as explained in the earlier stages of the series) is in deed very, very stubbron!
Many times he pushes his pokemon on to their very limits ignoring the situation. such as the gym battle with Brawly, Lt. Surge, Viridian city, and Bliane. All four were battles in maintaining his pride in his pokemon as well as the one with Lorelei.

Some of them he made new limits for his pokemon, other times he got them hurt. So it's all because of one thing :
Ash is more headstrong than brainsmart (period).


Team Rocket's rockin
Pinky the Mew said:
Actually, Ash (as explained in the earlier stages of the series) is in deed very, very stubbron!
Many times he pushes his pokemon on to their very limits ignoring the situation. such as the gym battle with Brawly, Lt. Surge, Viridian city, and Bliane. All four were battles in maintaining his pride in his pokemon as well as the one with Lorelei.

Some of them he made new limits for his pokemon, other times he got them hurt. So it's all because of one thing :
Ash is more headstrong than brainsmart (period).
Maybe, but Ash usually thanks his Pokemon for a job welldone after the match, like most people do.

This episode was o.k. Manectric made its debut, with all its lighting glory.

Skitty beating that Ampharos was sort of strange (I think it beat it). But it must be getting stronger fast.

Not much else to say, 7/10.


Yeah Ash is headstrong, stubborn as a mule... but he loves his pokemon! They love him too! :)

The Lapras Trainer

EvilKeckleon said:
and I'm surprized that no one's mentioned that they've replaced the plushie torchic with a pink ribbon box? well, it's not that big a deal, but I thought you people would go apeshit over because you people always go apeshit over things that don't go your way

It wouldn't be the first time 4Kids replaced one thing with another. In Episode 14 of Sonic X, Jerome Wise offers the media some freshly-squeezed orange juice, and then later on salami (which is in a box), however in the original, he's offering to refill their glasses with champagne. And the big change. Episode 17, the place Knuckles went to was a fast food place, while in the original, it was a bar. All the alcohol was colored to either look like orange soda or root beer. You'll notice at the end of Ep 14, Helen's father grabs a couple of bottles. Those were originally wine bottles, but 4Kids changed them to bottles of orange juice.


The Lapras Trainer said:
It wouldn't be the first time 4Kids replaced one thing with another. In Episode 14 of Sonic X, Jerome Wise offers the media some freshly-squeezed orange juice, and then later on salami (which is in a box), however in the original, he's offering to refill their glasses with champagne. And the big change. Episode 17, the place Knuckles went to was a fast food place, while in the original, it was a bar. All the alcohol was colored to either look like orange soda or root beer. You'll notice at the end of Ep 14, Helen's father grabs a couple of bottles. Those were originally wine bottles, but 4Kids changed them to bottles of orange juice.
Yeah, but that's MUCH different. That's alcohol, they're not going to be able to show that on Saturday morning. This change didn't seem to have a reason for it - nobody cares if May was going for a plushie or a ribbon box, not even whoever dictates what can air when. It was simply a pointless change - kind of like how 4Kids eradicates any and all Japanese text(and some English text!) they see.
Well, Manectric has made its debut. Having missed the first Wattson epsiode, I had no clue how Wattson sounded, so I was pleasantly surprised. I liked his voice. Manectric and Torkoal's battle was pretty good, and Skitty vs. Ampharos was cool too. Skitty was really yelling when it was hit with Iron Tail the first time, it sounded like it was dying XD!! Plus, Ampharos's voice was so Kawaii!!!!!

Overall rating:
8.4 out of 10!!
The fair in the beginning was great, too, which really brought up points for this!!

SC~ out


Old Coot
EvilKeckleon said:
and I'm surprized that no one's mentioned that they've replaced the plushie torchic with a pink ribbon box? well, it's not that big a deal, but I thought you people would go apeshit over because you people always go apeshit over things that don't go your way
Wouldn't be the first time they made a useless edit. Remember how Satoshi's badgecase was edited to having a rectangle on the cover rather than a Pokéball that we see on HARUKA'S BANDANA all the time?

I'll never understand 4Kids. Especially since the have the Japanese episodes on hand, you'd figure they'd know how the hell to pronounce Raikou. x__X It's Rai-koh, not Rai-ku. >_o


Contaminated KFC
Edward Elric said:
Wouldn't be the first time they made a useless edit. Remember how Satoshi's badgecase was edited to having a rectangle on the cover rather than a Pokéball that we see on HARUKA'S BANDANA all the time?
Just to note, but the badge case has never been painted over from the episodes broadcast over here in the UK, and its been the same little Pokéball logo on the occassions it has been shown, be it a quick glance or a close-up shot 0.o;
That makes me wonder if we'll have the Torchic plushie erased over here actually~ But still, an edit like that just...doesn't add up at all. isn't it just a waste of time and money to do something so pointless?


Old Coot
Yeah, that is rather odd. Couldn't be KidsWB's own doing since they've got terrible editing skills from what we see in their commercials. It'd have been painfully obvious if it was their own doing. x_x; 4Kids works in mysterious ways.


Spider Sceptile
ETR don't forget it's spelled Rai-Ku well i think you understand what i mean


Old Coot
It's spelled as Raikou. It's not supposed to be pronounced as Raiku.


Spider Sceptile
True but some people prounounce the way things are spelled. But the O is a loud Oh I assume right
i hated the way they pronouced manectric i thought it was pronouced man-et-ric but they pronouced it man-electric( or something along those lines) it was a good ep and i liked it when torkoal fell over trying to kick the ball! lol

Factory Head Noland

I saw this episode this morning and it rocked :D:D:D I loved it!
I loved everything about it! The battle between Skitty and Ampharos was great and Manectric and Torkoal was just frickin' awesome!
Ash was a bit naive telling Torkoal to use Overheat so many times, did he not learn anything from his battle with Flannery?! (Well except that Torkoal know Overheat, lol).

Team Rocket were so funny in this episode aswell! The carnival was excellent and Torkoal standing on it's hind legs was funny and then it fell over *ouch*.
Torkoal is one of my favourite Pokemon and I don't care what anyone says it's dub voice it great!


Great Episode. Torkoal was funny, Skitty totally pulverised (sp?) Ampharos, and it was an all round good episode. 9/10.

Blazing Charmander

Well-Known Member
I thought that this was a fairly good episode imo. It was kind of a filler-ish episode but it was also filled with action. Manectric's debut was awesome. It stood a really good battle against even Torkoal's first Overheat. I was a bit upset that, although Electrike made only a small appearance before it evolved, 4Kids changed the voice actor. The VA in Watt's with Wattson was cool. Oh well.

My fave part was probably the carnival. Who would have thought that Brock had such skill at footie. Torkoal's introduction to the other Pokemon was hilarious. Team Rocket actually had a strong and difficult net for once.

Rating: 7/10

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
this episode was terrible!!!

it seemed shorter than other episodes and it was just rubbish....i didnt like it one bit

mane-ectric i thought it would have been man-ektric


Battle Factory Champion
I thought the episode was good, the soccer challenge was a laugh. Rocko Brocko nailed one in the top corner, and then Torkoal lol.

The battle itself at the end was nice, good to see some of the old Ash again, getting his battle strategies all muddled up.
Pokemonisgr8 said:
I saw this episode this morning and it rocked :D:D:D I loved it!
I loved everything about it! The battle between Skitty and Ampharos was great and Manectric and Torkoal was just frickin' awesome!
Ash was a bit naive telling Torkoal to use Overheat so many times, did he not learn anything from his battle with Flannery?! (Well except that Torkoal know Overheat, lol).

Team Rocket were so funny in this episode aswell! The carnival was excellent and Torkoal standing on it's hind legs was funny and then it fell over *ouch*.
Torkoal is one of my favourite Pokemon and I don't care what anyone says it's dub voice it great!

agreed! everything you said i agree with you! torkoal has a great dub voice better than manectric and what is with Ampharos' voice i couldn't understand what it said?