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Manga - Not popular in the US!??

Korobooshi Kojiro

Fellow Forum Member said:
Manga isn't a book, and "extremely popular" is a gross exaggeration

and no manga isn't even on the scale of popular in the US, at all.

Do you agree with these statements? Personally, I think Manga IS a book, and is becoming very popular in the US now, with Manga Conventions, and entire parts of Book Stores selling them (even Librarys have started to offer them)


Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Do you agree with these statements? Personally, I think Manga IS a book, and is becoming very popular in the US now, with Manga Conventions, and entire parts of Book Stores selling them (even Librarys have started to offer them)

lol Fellow Forum Member is Justin. :p

While I won't say it's extremely popular, I will say its popularity is growing and it will become extremely popular soon enough. Just looking at the charts for Paperback books, Naruto and Fruits Basket make it into the top 30.

And yes, it is a book.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
I think it's very popular, but for me it's hard to find people who read manga unless you draw them out to a certain location (or happen to notice them reading manga). And while I think manga is a popular thing to get into, I don't think it's the popular thing. I still think it's growing, though.

And "manga" books are basically Japanese comic books. Comic books happen to have a lot of illustrations. I wonder why...


Gust of Wind
well you guys have 80% of the main anime conventions with the Voice actors etc. Of course its popular there, i mean here (Australia) i live off by getting manga from Borders


Salingerian Phony
Manga is a popular thing...it's just not quite mainstream yet. Just as all animation has an "it's for kids only" stigma it can't shake off that keeps most people older than 30 from watching anime, comics have an "it's for kids only AND it caters blood and gore to them" stigma that makes it even less popular with adults.

The fact that most translated manga nowadays is read right to left doesn't help either. People pay attention to the warnings about reading the wrong way as often as people pay attention to yield signs. It'll probably take another few decades for manga to gain mainstream acceptance.


I agree with those statements, to an extent. Of course manga seems popular on a Pokemon forum- we're all geeks of some kind here! But on the whole, manga isn't that big with the Ignorant Masses.

I'm a bit divided on the "book" classification, but.

zonic the hedgehog

LOL, I think it's a book. :p

You go read Death Note if you don't believe me (it has enough words and depth to have a novel for it, after all).

Anyway, I think it should be pretty obvious that manga is not very popular yet. Although more popular than it was years ago, it's still not mainstream enough to gain a lot of attention from more people.

Especially considering Japan has kids all the way to adults of both genders reading manga, wheareas here it's just kids and teens (male and some female) reading manga most of the time.

It's the fact that manga seems awkward to people who have never read manga before (read backwards, odd stories, ect.), so it'll take awhile to become mainstream.

Although I'm puzzled as to why the majority of the people at my school know what yaoi, hentai, and yuri is despite that they don't really read manga or watch anime. o_O

They could pinpoint you reading a yaoi manga just by getting a glance at the cover, and I don't even know how the hell they do it. o.o;

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Especially considering Japan has kids all the way to adults of both genders reading manga, wheareas here it's just kids and teens (male and some female) reading manga most of the time.
Actually, it is mostly females that read manga. How else would Fruits Basket be so popular in the states?


...is gone. =(
1. Manga is a book. The stories are just as complex as novels.

2. It's not extremely popular, but it is gaining popularity fast.

And "manga" books are basically Japanese comic books. Comic books happen to have a lot of illustrations. I wonder why...

I wonder, too. I may never figure that out.

Um, anyway, because manga may be getting more popular but right now it's not the most popular thing, what you all should do is tell people about it. Some people like to hide the fact that they like reading manga. Don't do it!!! Read it at school or another place, and when someone asks you about it, tell them about it, and maybe even reccommend something. A good first manga for someone may be...
Boys: Naruto or Dragon Ball
Girls: Ultra Cute or Ultra Maniac

(I'm not saying they're necessarily the best, but they might be good for someone who isn't used to manga.)
It seems I'm the only one within a 300 mile distance away from where I live that reads manga, cause everyone near where I live hate it X_X


If manga aren't books, then I guess not all sandwiches need to have two slices of bread to be called a sandwich.

Manga is very popular, everyone is reading something from Viz or Tokyopop or whoever I forgot to name, and those who don't read manga are watching the shows that are based off manga.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Depends on what you define as "Novel".

For example, I consider One Piece to be just as emmersive as Harry Potter, of course Manga don't have to describe the settings,emotions, and stuff instead they show it.

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Depends on what you define as "Novel".

For example, I consider One Piece to be just as emmersive as Harry Potter, of course Manga don't have to describe the settings,emotions, and stuff instead they show it.
Well, while I believe that one voulme is not as deep as a novel, a series read as a whole can have the same level of depth as a novel.

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Yeah, that's what I meant.
Then I'm glad I said it for you! ^^

But yeah, lots of kids in my classes read manga, however, since I'm in mostly honors classes, most of the kids are Asian, which makes them more likely to read manga. Or maybe I'm just being stereotypical. :(

Korobooshi Kojiro

Then I'm glad I said it for you! ^^

But yeah, lots of kids in my classes read manga, however, since I'm in mostly honors classes, most of the kids are Asian, which makes them more likely to read manga. Or maybe I'm just being stereotypical. :(

At my school, most of the "goths" do, but I'm seeing some other kids do.

I do, and I am the complete opposite of goth as you can be.