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Manly Blissey's Shop Of Color Inverts

Manly Blissey

Well-Known Member
Manly Blissey's Shop Of Cool Pokemon Sprites

The Shop Is OPEN

Welcome to he Color Invert Shop!

Here I invert the colors of Pokemon sprites.


I have six rules:

1. Obey all SPPf rules.
2. No flaming or spamming.
3. No hentai.
4. You have to supply the sprite.
5. If you're request isn't done in a week, you can yell at me.
6. Give Credit.
Last edited:

Manly Blissey

Well-Known Member
You're welcome!

OK, go under "Image" and it will have a list. Hit "Invert Colors."
Hope I helped!

Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
thanks soo mcuh for teaching me how to invert, look in my sig! i inverted manaphy to evil! MUAHAHAHA lol


Can i have one!

Can I have a manaphy and (or) Kyorge! The prince abd king together.

I am obbsessed over Lugia, Ho-oh, Suicune, Kyorge and ;manafi; Manaphy;manaphyegg;

Manly Blissey

Well-Known Member
Okay, sorry I haven't been on in FOREVER. But now I'm back so request away!
Oh, and all of those that requested, can you please support me with a sprite?