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Talons Fury

Well descuss maplestory what u like about it who u are and lots of other things.

I'll start of i love the game to bits it's adicting me to it and im called fishcookman on the game my bro as two characters but i don't think he wants me tell tell the name but ones a warrior and the others a theif
at the lvs of swordsman and rouge my character fishcookman is a magician at lv magician, its so cool.


Ski > You
I COULD go into my anti-Maplestory rant, or I could simply pretend I never posted this. Oh well.
I have a level 14 Rogue by the way.


Raiden Maximus
I got a warror Lv.24 named Gyrage in Bootes, MapleSEA. My classmates think warrior sucks though.
Please people, don't let this thread die again :(


Meh, I haven't tried it yet, my friend told me about it, but when I tried to download it...it said it'd take about 7 hours. o.o Ebil dial-up.


Raiden Maximus
Who's server is cassopia now? Now I have one character named Chameon4.
Meh, I haven't tried it yet, my friend told me about it, but when I tried to download it...it said it'd take about 7 hours. o.o Ebil dial-up.
o_0" Maybe you should have a better computer. Old ones tend to take such a long time.


Lucas, gib meh soda.
^^ Maple, can be fun, but not always... o_o;; Since it takes a month for me to get a nice drop, but Yesterday I got a pair of Green Legolia Pants [M] But those had 23 Def.. >_<;;

World: Bootes
Server: Mostly Ch. 1 / 2.
LV: 20... o_o;;
And yeah, im the legendary Assasin. xD


Raiden Maximus
Pm me and we can be friends in mp :D Although I have five spaces left :(
Do anyone know about the new server, cassopia?
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Lucas, gib meh soda.
Mwahahaha.. Im at LV22 now, and yeah, IGN: XxLuNaRsiNxX not xXLuNarSiNXx. xD


I sure do play MapleStory >< Its fricking fun k? K.


IGN: Tasumies
World: Bera
Channel: One
Job: Swordsman
Lvl: 15

I'm currently wearing:
Bronze Helm
Steel Plate(I forgot what its called)
Steel Legs(Also forgot what its called)
White Korean Shoes
Steel Sheild(I think thats what its called)
And a Mace(As usual I forgot what its called)


I'm Back? YAY!
I want to play but is it safe to give the address and phone number...and is it save to download and install..?Its Virus free right?


Well-Known Member
Level 12 Rogue named "GCKaris" on Windia Ch. 8, and a Lv 8 Beginner on Scania (I only used it to play with my friend Kurt, AKA Kurteee)


txt msg
Couldnt play Maple for a while, and after this new patch I cant play because it takes too long...I have a lvl 15 warrior on bera.
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