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Mario and Luigi-bros. attacks

how good is this comic?

  • ultra awesome (no one will chose this)

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • close to ultra awesome

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • great

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • pretty good

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • normal

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • a little bad

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • bad very bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • horrible

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It burns, It sucks so much it burns!

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • why am i even voting in this poll of a sucky comic?

    Votes: 6 28.6%

  • Total voters


ZOMG!I'm a person!
This is a comic that has bros. attacks I made up
Bros. Attacks
*Crash Bros.advance http://img235.imageshack.us/full.php?image=mlcomic40fl.png
Spark-pressure bros. http://img491.imageshack.us/full.php?image=mlcomic23go.png
*Deep fry Bros. http://img368.imageshack.us/full.php?image=mlcomic33ir.png

goomba.Bros.mini shorts
*#1- http://img202.imageshack.us/full.php?image=goombarioandgoombiji10qh.png
*#2- http://img226.imageshack.us/full.php?image=goombarioandgoombiji25tq.png

Plot comics:

*:click on picture to make readable
Fan Stuff:

mario and luigi sprites were made by rogultgot
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'Tis normal, not a great comic, but I say your humor needs a bit of work. But the spriting was good, and the quality of the speech bubbles were fairly easy to read. Nice work!


It is close to ultra awesome which I put, LL, it is quite a good comic, like what Flygon says it needs more work on humor!


Goombas! Get 'ya grilled Goombas! Only 20 of 'ye finest coins!
You think someone would pay for a grilled lotad? Anyway, this comic is better! Improved a notch on your humor, you have! Good luck in your future!


Great! Your comic is improving! Humor needs a bit more practice, wish you the best!


That one was MUCH funnier than your earlier works. Nice job!


Advice- Make the text inside first, then make a speech bubble around it. Keep it up, and this could get some stars!


For some reason I'm hooked to this comic, I really like the idea (obsessive Mario fan here). The only criticism would be to make your first post (where you post everything) more organized, it's frankly very sloppy and eye distracting. Try using sentences, capitals, and all the sort. But nontheless, it's very good. :)
Congrats, none of you fans (except for Flygon and Hydroswirl) have done hardly anything to help improve this comic...

Filling in the textboxes white should help everyone read, sometimes I can't tell what order they go in. The humor is okay, but I can see this becoming a good cmc. However you can't continue to just have Mario and Luigi show off moves, build a good plot as well.


ZOMG!I'm a person!
I have diffuculty with plots but I think I might try to think of a plot.Even when I do make a plot I'll still make ocasional Bros.Attacks and goombario and goombiji mini shorts,but right now I don't really want a plot,because I suck at plots and I have diffuculty keeping on track.
But i'll take everyones critizizm and try to make a plot
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You don't seem to have a plot or point in the comic. All you are doing is showing attacks that they do in the game? What the thing that is supposed to keep my attention? Is there anything? I don't see it.

Also your text boxes need work. Look at Reporterz textboxes, not the best but that's a better way to do it


ZOMG!I'm a person!
The attacks I show are ones I made up and made by myself from sprites I have aquired from a website.I am currently working on a plot,cannot do white textboxes because my computer wont let me for some reason.


Advice- Make the text, then make a text box around it. Then make a red (or blue, or some other colour, I just like to use red), box and drag the text box on the square. Turn transparency OFF for now. Next, take that colour you used for the box, and use the bucket tool to fill in the white spots OUTSIDE of the speech bubble. Then set secondary colour to the colour you used, and turn transparency ON. Select the speech bubble and- voila! You've got a white text box!