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Mario and Luigi glitch thread


Unknown Trainer
This thread is for any glitches you have found in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga or Partners in Time.

My glitches are:

In Superstar Saga, in the Battle of Popple vs. Birdo, I attacked Popple with a Fire Bros. attack and got him burned. Then, Birdo put Popple into an egg to protect it. Then, Popple recieved damage from the burn in the egg and fainted inside it. Then, I attacked the correct egg, and Popple came out. He was close to Mario. I couldn't attack Popple, but Popple couldn't attack. Birdo didn't become angry, but she could still put Popple into the egg as if he were still fighting. When I defeated Birdo, Popple was still on screen while the experience/bonus screen was going. It still showed the cutscene of Birdo blasting Popple.

In Partners in Time, when I go near a blue pipe a certain amount when part of the Bros. is hidden, their pants appear on their heads. this only works when I have the bros. in piggyback.


#1 Munchlax Fan
Once I was training in Shroob castle and one of the Shroobsworth threw they intern shroob in the air and fell on the ground and the Shroobsworth froze with intern shroob on the ground then I jumped on it to start a battle with it and it was normal after.