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Mario and Luigi/Mario and Luigi linkup?

Does Nintendo have a Link-up for the Ds Mario and Luigi and the Gba Mario and Luigi? It would be cool, like for unlocking extra content or something. I would like to see it used for something other then Dash. =P

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
I know its used in Warioware, Kirby, and Feel the magic, but I don't know about this game.


Super Gamer
I have no idea myself - I've been wondering that also. I checked GameFAQ's and IGN but I couldn't find anything on it.

Oh well - I'm still getting the game regardless if it does or doesn't link up with its predecessor.



Well-Known Member
Wait how is it used for Wario Ware?

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
theultimatebulk said:
Wait how is it used for Wario Ware?

If you put twisted in, you get some item in the toy room, I forget what it was though....check GameFAQs.


Super Gamer
You stick your Kirby & the Amazing Mirror in your DS (I think it has to be beaten) and you can unlock Waddle Dee or some other character or level on Kirby Canvas Curse. Check the FAQ's like others suggested.


Haunter Hunter Sohrab

Johto Champion
I don't think you can link up at all. The game doesn't even have a multiplayer game with it. Just it's unique rumble feature that's all.


Super Gamer
Yeah but the rumble is pretty pointless. 1)The Rumble is pretty weak according to IGN and what people I know have told me. 2)The Rumble Pak is noisy.



I will tell you what happens when you keep M&L SSS when playing PiT:

1.Your DS is heavier.

2.Some people in gamefaqs have got 20 mushrooms at the start of Game in Pit (Unconfirmed)