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Mario Kart DS Emblem


Super Gamer
What is the emblem you currently have on your car look like?

Here's mine: http://*******.com/hsnko4.png

A Master Ball with the initials MS to represent MidnightScott.



Super Gamer
If you got a Digital Camera, take a pic, put it on your computer, upload it at www.*******.com and post the link here and voila ;)

Now will anyone post their Emblem?



Well-Known Member
Well, I don't own Mario Kart Ds yet but when I get it I'm hoping to copy this onto the editer. It might not work but it's ok to dream. Also, comments would be helpful on how I can improve it.


N/B It stands for "MAX" as it's a fusion of "M", "A" and "X" as the word "max" means "top", "great", "the best" ect which reflect what everyone is aiming for. I know, I'm deep.

P.S. If no one get's it, don't worry.


Hive Trainer
I got my MK DS on Friday. I played it with my friend using Download PLay and it was a blast. Too bad he automatically got te Shy Guy though :(. At first I had an emblem of a bad Snorlax head but here is mine now(after my brother changed it):http://www.maj.com/gallery/pokefreak/EMblem/im000878.jpg
Sorry if the pictures are bad quality or are too big.
An Eevee, currently, 'cause I couldn't think of another symbol.


R.I.P. Ridley
Last night I made a great Roy (main character of Fire Emblem 6) emblem.


Well-Known Member
Just got the game, and my emblem is the Hidden Leaf symbol from Naruto. :X /nerd
(I have a router but not hooked up yet... ><)


Super Gamer
Chosen of Mana - it's the "Tanooki" suit ;)
I might create a new one soon I just don't know of what though...



Mine is a yellow star with the two red letters "ML" over it. ;)