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Mario Kart DS friend codes

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The Amazing chester
Okay, need anyone for friend codes?

Fill out this form:

[b]Ranking in Missions:[/b] (*)(**)(***)
[b]Friend Code:[/b]

Okay, as a rule, you have to add everyone here. This way, you'll be able to find friends easily. Otherwise, you add their code, and they don't add yours, and guess what? Well, they aren't your friend. Both have to add for it to work. Also, no Apam, as it will be hard enough to find peoples codes, okay? Also, you can complain about people if they disconnect during races, just because they are loosing. I've ony got 14 wins, when I should actually have 137 wins

Ranking in Missions: ***
Name: Hénrîqüè
Friend Code: 167583 - 306345
Notes: Okay, although I have *** in Every single mission, I'm not as awesome as you think when it comes to battle racing. I mean, I can't stick with one player. Currently, I've stopped using Toad and the Mushmellow, then I quite Luigi and his Vacuum cleaner thing, and now I use Dry Bone's, and Egg 1


The Amazing chester
Sorry, I just found something. Could a Moderator please move this to... the Nintendo WiFi Discussion forum?
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