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Mario kart picture transfur

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Life's a Beach.
hey guys(and gals) their is a site that has a picture transfur thing
you upload you picture and it changes in to a pixelized form
thats how people on mariokart get the cool pics on to mario kart
Does any one know what the site is
and if so can you tell PLEASE

Locke Yggdrasill

Eustis on reddit
I'm fairly certain that the people who pixellate the images do it themselves.

oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
in the old nintendo offical magazine in england, they hosts avatatas to use in mario kart, in the last 3 issues before changing to what it is now. i had the pixel image of link, from link to the past. but now i use my very own image from DKR i made up. i am so proud.
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