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Master Ball

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No, if you release a pokemon caught in a master ball you will not get a master ball.


Powerplay Champion
no... but why not clone it if you have emerald ;)

4th Generation Master

Well-Known Member
If the Pokemon is holding the Master Ball, that is. However, this guy has apparently wasted his Master Ball and wants it back, which, unfortunately, is impossible.


Well-Known Member
you can get another masterball if you are incredibly lucky to match all your id numbers with the ones at the lottery at lilycove.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I got a Master Ball in the lottery...Lucky. :p

Adam 1475

Entei > You
You cant...

I got two master balls in the lottery.
lucky me.


The new tuxedo look!
If you wasted your master ball then think twice before using it next time.
Otherwise hope you get lucky in the lottery.


Well-Known Member
My friend has received a LV100 Dodrio from a trade and while we were looking at it we realised it had been Master-Caght!
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