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Masterball/ poke ball glitch


OG Trainer
Is it fact or fake that if you hold up the pokeball works as a masterball? Ive heard this for so long and wanted to find out. If so how does it work. i am an experienced player in pokemon. I just want to make the rate of catching easier though it wont be since I only use basic pokeballs for more of a challenge. I am sorry if this has been posted before.

Shocker mg

I Have Awakened....
They say that you use pokeballs only. right when you hit A you press SELECT and A then when it's just about to catch you press B and A.

edit: It WILL sometimes crash so you'll have to restart.


Sneasel Fanboy
I believe it worked in r/b/y/g/s/c, but the ag games don't have it.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
This is that crazy folk tale of ye masterballeth right?

Well, it dosen't work, and if it did, wouldn't it be in the stickys?

I only know of the Colloseum one, thats a great glitch.


Active Member
NO ITS NOT TRUE! i know because game freak and the producers arent that stupid to let a pokeball be a masterball


Blaziken rules!
Is it fake or true?


Torterra Firma
I'm pretty sure it is fake.


i think its fake, but the colleseum (not XD :( ) one is great

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
It's definitely fake.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
As fake as Mcdonalds cheese.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
I know it's fake, but I press B anyway out of habit and 'just in case'

Yeah, me too. :p
Buy the way, the answer to your question is...COTTAGE CHEESE!!!
Am I right? lol :p


fuk yo couch ***** !
yep, fakefakefake. im pretty sure theres a topic somewhere that has all this "what buttons do you press when catching pokemon" thing. it really is more habit than anything else, i do it all the time, experimenting with the directional arrows and b. i know it doesnt work, it just makes me feel better for some reason :D


Ghost Trainer
THIS TOTALLY WORKS IN LEAFGREEN! I caught a mewtwo with a pokeball and no health was drained


Tried and failed for me. Also I caught Mewtwo in a pokeball but I had to paralyze it and nearly kill it. But this was in my fire red version.