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Mastre Kinético's D/P redesigns

Maestro Kinético

Well-Known Member
Mastre Kinético's D/P redesigns

I hate Karanakushi so I decided to redesign it.


Soon I'll post the pink version (which I decided to make orange)


faith is power...
Aww, I have no idea why no one has posted on this but It is simply adorable!!! The coloring and everything is just so great. You know what? I think ill just take the little bugger home with me K?

*takes and runs away*

Keep up the great work! I look forward to seeing the pink version.

~ Tyger-san


<!Seizure Enducing!>
thank god. I think it sucks too. The colour scheme is soo bad! I love the redesign! Brilliant! Maybe do its evolution too?


Salingerian Phony
It looks too stiff. Karanakushi was themed on the sea slug (possibly the nudibranch), which is essentially a living blob, so there should be no straight lines on it whatsoever. Also, those perfectly round eyes bother me. Perfectly round eyes destroy the perspective of everything around it. Otherwise, your intentions are well-founded; I dislike Karanakushi's design too...though only the big lips need to go. Toritodon is pretty cute though.

Maestro Kinético

Well-Known Member
Beroberuto redesigned

Another redesign. I hate the original beroberuto because it doesn't look like an evo.


Hope you like it.


personally, i like beroberuto better
this may seem more like an evo, but i think this evo looses the charm of the lickitung series.

to the artsmanship: the arms kinda bother me. they just stick out O_O. try to make them seem more fluid into the body. and i'm not crazy about the head design. a bit too "evil" looking, i guess, to be a lickitung evo.

the shading's pretty nice, though xD
good job.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
You. Killed. Lickitungs evo.

Beruberuto looks perfect, and looks like its Lickitungs evo.

The shape of it scares me, less fat, no long tounge.

If you ask me, it looks like a gay Buu, from DBZ.


.:Daisy Dancing:.
You could've made the shading more vibrant as well as some of the colors. If you hadn't said that this was your idea of a beroberuto, then I honestly wouldn't have guessed that this was a lickitung evo. The lickitung evo line strike me as round, dumpy creatures, but this redesign maks it look mad and tall.
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!IT HAS A FREAKING DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE BERU THE DANM WAY GF MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the shading is nice though.
It looks like a ballerina.O.O

Its arms are misplaced.And I think its neck is a little long.

But love the shading.


Remi|X|ing Time
i agree. out of all the pokemon, i would kill the lickitung evo....i LUV te lickitung itself, but its evo just looks like a bloated lickiting... this one is cool, but it does need more tongue...LOL


<!Seizure Enducing!>
i thought berberuto was alright, but that is a bit... well not MY taste but who cares. I just like the bloated feel bereburuto or whatever has.


i personally don't like it that much.

it looks like an old lady ghost thing in a hat. it doesn't have the charm of a pokemon.

no offense but i don't really like any of your redesigns.