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Math class with a boring teacher makes you scribble.


Just me
Yeah, it does. I filled half a page with Pikachu tails as I discovered how to draw them while my teacher babbled on about functions.

Keep in mind that these are random scribbles from school, largely in-class, so don't expect anything too sophisticated.

[Lots and lots of links ahead]

Vulpix, for some reason leaning on a book named 'POKÉMON' (tinted in ImageReady)

Descith, the adorable pre-evolution of Scyther from my NaNo (front view, tinted in ImageReady)

Descith again (side view, tinted in ImageReady)

A Pikachu wondering what the heck that Diaruga leg is supposed to be

Random eye I drew on my schedule at the beginning of the semester

What my school papers usually begin to look like when I get in a really scribbly mood (from top to bottom, left to right, two random Scyther scythes, one random Scyther leg, one random Scyther with no body, one random Scyther head, one random Charizard head, two random instances of the word "Jabberwocky" and one just plain freaky... thing o_O)

...and what the back of my school papers usually begins to look like when I get in a really scribbly mood (random dragon, Polaryu, Thunderyu, Volcaryu, dragon wing, part of a mustached face, random ribbons, random horse head, random eye and Suicune)

The head of May from The Quest for the Legends

Gasp! It's the PHANTOM! :eek:

Random Omanyte-like shells

Some vaguely humanshaped curved X's with heads

Okay, so it wasn't quite half a page, but Pikachu tails

Whirlwinds and eights ("eights" are actually a creature that I made up when I was little that looks like an eight, bounces around and sometimes sits on doors where it looks like an infinity sign, locking the door for infinity)


I was in a scribbly mood again... (random eye, random dragon thingy, some sort of a shooting star, some attempt at remembering what Diaruga looks like from memory, random attempt at Diaruga's metallic thingies, really bad Aruseusu from memory with some scribbles, random horns, Diaruga's metallic head blade thingy again, more scribbles, eye, Butterfree, Scyther scythe, Diaruga's metallic thingies, more horns, gems of some sort, Scyther without arms/legs/wings/pupils, Charizard head with no pupils, another random gem, some fish, more Scyther scythes, Scyther wing, Omanyte shell, another attempt at Diaruga, another fish/eel/thingy, more Scyther scythes)

Poliwhirl, cat and Chansey

Thunderyu's head

Some random semicircle-thingies

Mathematical calculations (don't ask why I'm even putting that in Fan Art; I just felt like it)

Um, yeah. Say whatever you feel the need to comment on. o.o


Where is the rum?...
wow these are fantastic...i like the vulpix ^^...its sooo cute ^^ you should put more doodles up...or even some of your real drawings


Ooh, maaaan!
Maaaan! We were doing the same thing in math! It was all like x+x-x=x!!! And for the longest time I had no idea what I was going and got a 50 on my test. Lucky for me, right after I did and failed the test, i fially understood it.

Woo and yaaaay.


Mmm.. Twix...
random............ random...... I like random..... a lot.... I am glad to see yet another random art thread! People should make more threads like these. I like it.


I'm Back!
Yes! All classes make me scribble... anyway, my fave one is definitely the maths! Long division with functions is a beautiful thing.

Just kidding. The vulpix and stuff are cool, and the omanyte shells seem to form a little face, and well, the phantom scares me with its facelessness and how long a run-on sentence do you think I can do?

Brilliant. What language is that stuff? Icelandic? (That guess is partly a joke, partly remembering something from your website I saw an age ago...)


Bullet Punch
I agree with Scizor Master, the Pidgeot is nice. Tried reading the worksheet, but I couldn't make heads or tails out of it. I get all scribly too sometimes, but it's usually during Reading, that bores the * out of me.



Just me
What language is that stuff? Icelandic? (That guess is partly a joke, partly remembering something from your website I saw an age ago...)

Heh, it is Icelandic. :p I wouldn't know the Icelandic to make the Marquee of Doom if I didn't live there.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Vulpix looks well done, and the pre-evo of Sutoraiku is very original.

Sike Saner

Peace to the Mountain
When I saw the title of this thread, I just had to take a look.

I love your dragons, all of them, and I also love Descith; it's just frelling adorable. ^^ I also rather like the strange "thing" at the bottom of what I refer to as the "Jabberwocky page", and the little mustache-face. XP I thought the Pikachu wondering about the Diaruga leg was hilarious (I love the caption). My favorite scribble of all, though, is easily the Suicune. o.o That turned out really nicely; the pose is really cool.

Scribbling is fun, and can produce great results. Thanks for sharing your scribbles with us. ^^
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Just me


Bullet Punch

I can call that Scyther brilliant. Even though it's not shaded, its scythes stand out giving it that mischevous*sp?* look. But then again, its fairly small eyes makes it looks innocent. Its feet are misplaced, but whatever, who cares*getsshotbyvangogh*. The pose is not really original, but Schyter is really hard to draw, so I won't bother being a critic on that*getsshotagain*. Its chest is not really good.-.a bit roundish and simple. I think it just got hit on the knees, they're slanted the wrong way.

As for the chibis, they are very disturbing. Very. The first on the bottom row looks very much like a hand in awkward position *inncent look*. Can't really C+C these...

Your drawings are quite nice. Hence the medium length of my post, As they are only fun drawings and didn't want to post a one line post ;)

Space Dwelling Dragon

Well-Known Member
Those are pretty good. (I doodle in all my classes, but only make stick figures and different kind of stars)

Space Dwelling Dragon

Well-Known Member
Those are pretty good. I espacially like the Pikachu and the Diaruga leg one.(I doodle in all my classes, but only make stick figures and different kind of stars)

Will-powered Spriter

Pokédex Complete!
Nice scribbles. Especialy for school ones. Some are cool & others are...random. I doodle too, but no one would care of my world domoination plans & large amounts of my enemy gettin killed/stabbed/hung.

Do i really need to do c&c, cuz most people don't doodle as a proffesion, more to survive school.


Just me
You don't need to be a major critic, but it would be nice nonetheless just to say what you think.

Three of the main legendaries of The Quest for the Legends

From left to right: Chalenor (fake Pokémon); Chaletwo (who yes, has the body of Mewtwo; if you're dying to know why I'm afraid you'll have to read the fic); Mew. It has its problems and Chaletwo probably looks extremely incorrect since I've never drawn Mewtwo before and did not have any reference, but I actually rather like it overall. Maybe I'll color it... Drawn on some German work, as you'll be able to tell if you know German.