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Maximum Power for a Fire pokemon(Double battles)


Well-Known Member
I was just randomly thinking today when i thought of a way to multiply a fire pokemons power by a ton!
first send out a pokemon with the ability where it makes fire moves up its power. send out a pokemon with it that knows helping hand and sunny day.
and the other (with the ability) with calm mind or some stat boosting power.
tell one to do sunny day, and the other stat move. tell one to do fire blast or overheat on its buddy with the ability. have him do the stat move again.
now for the big finaly. have the one do helping hand and the other do fire blast or overheat or eruption. the power will be:like 350-500!


The new tuxedo look!
Yeah, unless you see a hazer or die first.


Powerplay Champion
true... it's all about speed, and most fire types will get destroyed before they could ever even think of pulling somethin like that....
but ooooo
here's a though...
skill swap that fire boosting ability with a metagross... sure, it'll be absoloutely useless attack wise, but it takes care of that glaring meta weakness... whaddya think?