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Max's Pokemon

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Rev up those fryers
Do you think Max should get a pokemon? If so, what?
I think he should DEFINITY get a pokemon after all this time. I think it would be a baby pokemon, most likely from D/P...;bonsly;!
Think about it. Mayhas Munchlax, James has Mime Jr, so it seem if max got a pokemon, it would be Bonsly. Anyway, do you think Max should get a pokemon?


Max shouldn't get a Pokemon throughout the storyline, they should wait until he is gone, like Misty or Tracey in a way.


Contaminated KFC
Yeah, topics like this have been done to death now, and the majority always go with Ralts. And I'm included in that majority. He had the most meaningful relationship with it, and promised to go back for it, etc, etc~

Deoxys & Jirachi

well he is going to get a ralts when he is a trainer but i think he should become a pokemon professer instead of a trainer so he shouldnt have pokemon


Old Coot
Hoboy! When'd it become Repost Friday?!

Yeah, this topic's been done to death, as Gravy pointed out.
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