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May's best pokemon in contests?


Well-Known Member
what do you think mays best pokemon is to use in contests?(not ordinary battles)


Elite 4 Champion
Well I despise Squirtle and skitty so there definetly out of the picture.

I say combusken/blaziken then Munchlax or Beautifly.


Combusken for power, pretty firey effects, and SHAMO SHA!
Beautifly for purdy effects, being an early powerhouse of sorts, and...uh...being cute?
Skitty for those lovely deus ex moments and being AWWWWWWWW
Squirtle for stealing those moments while making them worse since they're being doled out by a generic blue turtle we've seen MANY times before outside of May's possession
Munchlax for being fairly powerful even though everyone hated it at first(although now there only seems to be a select few who bother to actively hate it)
Blaziken for only soiling one ep with its hideous visage and disturbing croch feathers

Horray for all-inclusion!


Jewlery is heavy...
Beautifly was her best one and she is retarded for leaving it behind


Contaminated KFC
Combusken for power, pretty firey effects, and SHAMO SHA!
Beautifly for purdy effects, being an early powerhouse of sorts, and...uh...being cute?
Skitty for those lovely deus ex moments and being AWWWWWWWW
Squirtle for stealing those moments while making them worse since they're being doled out by a generic blue turtle we've seen MANY times before outside of May's possession
Munchlax for being fairly powerful even though everyone hated it at first(although now there only seems to be a select few who bother to actively hate it)
Blaziken for only soiling one ep with its hideous visage and disturbing croch feathers

Horray for all-inclusion!
So, I says to Juputoru, I says: "Well golly gee Miss. Juputoru, I must say that I'm inclined to concur with much agreeance! Well cook my road kill and call me Blubber Bear, why, agreeance isn‘t even a real word! That just proves how gosh dern serious I be."

~Grey Vee - Active Munchlax hater since 2004

Combusken is Haruka's best pokémon. Contrary to popular belief, Combusken never evolved, and Haruka's new Blaziken was ACTUALLY just an optical illusion caused by a bunch of cleverly placed mirrors. As for the voice? Why, this was obviously down to the fact that just after Combusken 'evolved', Chinami Nishimura accidentaly drank a glass of acid when reaching for some water. It's a mistake everyone makes at least thrice in their lives.
So, I says to Juputoru, I says: "Well golly gee Miss. Juputoru, I must say that I'm inclined to concur with much agreeance! Well cook my road kill and call me Blubber Bear, why, agreeance isn‘t even a real word! That just proves how gosh dern serious I be."

~Grey Vee - Active Munchlax hater since 2004

Combusken is Haruka's best pokémon. Contrary to popular belief, Combusken never evolved, and Haruka's new Blaziken was ACTUALLY just an optical illusion caused by a bunch of cleverly placed mirrors. As for the voice? Why, this was obviously down to the fact that just after Combusken 'evolved', Chinami Nishimura accidentaly drank a glass of acid when reaching for some water. It's a mistake everyone makes at least thrice in their lives.

LMAO. I too prefer Combusken over Blaziken.
Combusken/Blaziken is May's best pokemon. Then Beautifly is a secondary powerhouse in May's arsenal of pokemon. Then after those tiers, its Bulbasaur, Munchlax and Eevee (we all know it will evolve). And then we have the Dues Ex's with the ice attacks: Skitty and Squirtle.

So yeah, basically its like this:

1. Blaziken
2. Beautifly
3. Munchlax
4. Eevee (when evolved to either a D/P or Espeon)
5. Bulbasaur

Dues Ex's:
1. Squirtle
2. Skitty

Blaziken is therefore May's best pokemon in contests.


Well-Known Member
Squritle and Beautify because they're appeals were so beautiful. But the kinda made their appeals the same concept alot of the time such as squirtle using ice beam or beautifly making sparkles somehow. but my overall fave may pokemon is combusken!


King of pirates
blaizieken is going to beat flygon in contest battle in 2 minutes


Moon Prism Power!