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~*~Mays egg~*~

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Jay star

Coordinator Lover
agh i went searching but couldnt find one so here i am maby a bit late but whatever

i think mays egg is deffinately a zigzagoon but it makes no sense to give mat a zigzagoon sure its cute kinda and ok strength wise and linoone is awsome it has no contest use and not really any main team moves like the main teams pokemon have like special and big flashy attacks i dont know any that linoone can learn thats a big deal and i have trained one

so what do you all think the reason for them giving may a zigzagoon ( if it is )


Contaminated KFC
We'll never know whats in the egg because Munchlax is going to eat it in the next episode. C'mon, its common knowledge man, get with the times!
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