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May's Ultimate Guide



Realy nice site! I reccomend that you change the hover over color for the text on the menu, but otherwise, it's great!


smiley. said:
Realy nice site! I reccomend that you change the hover over color for the text on the menu, but otherwise, it's great!

Um, how do I do that? o_O;;; Any ideas?


Lively up yourself
Very nice site, the forums need more members though ;\

Anyway, I suggest you should add something like wallapers, animated GIFs (you used to have those, why did you remove them?) and stuff like that.


Lucifer said:
Very nice site, the forums need more members though ;\

Anyway, I suggest you should add something like wallapers, animated GIFs (you used to have those, why did you remove them?) and stuff like that.

Wallapers would be nice, But I removed the animated GIFs doe to the fact that they're.... how do we say this, poorly animated...


Mush! Mush!
Well, Av, it is quite nice. Although sites solely about May are limited in information... >> Keep up the good work.

chaos on the internet

header is too large, you have to scroll to see the content
links on the nav are too small, weird hover color
splash pages are useless and annoying, so are iframes for content

i like the 'mays' 'ultimate' 'guide' in the cards, you should make the banner smaller and focus mainly on that. the 'your one stop for information' line is overused and cliche, and doesn't even really mean anything. i'd suggest you take that out to help make the banner smaller.

the page ends abruptly with no sort of footer at all, at least put some whitespace there


i could just tell you it looks good, but i figure some criticism might help you improve it.

Nicole May

Meh... whatever...
Well, I can't really say anything about the site, Avie, (tired of using Avegaille). Anyways, um first things first, your conflicts with Jane...

If you wish to have ease on the links whenever you add in a new page for the site, I don't know if it has something to do with PHP, but meh, it's kinda annoying most free web hosters don't support PHP.

I wish there would be a way to lessen the size of the header. Takes a long time to load, no?

Now Jane is well, o_O;;;;


Well-Known Member
chaos on the internet said:
header is too large, you have to scroll to see the content
links on the nav are too small, weird hover color
splash pages are useless and annoying, so are iframes for content

i like the 'mays' 'ultimate' 'guide' in the cards, you should make the banner smaller and focus mainly on that. the 'your one stop for information' line is overused and cliche, and doesn't even really mean anything. i'd suggest you take that out to help make the banner smaller.

the page ends abruptly with no sort of footer at all, at least put some whitespace there


i could just tell you it looks good, but i figure some criticism might help you improve it.
:\ you know, all this critic stuff is getting to me, not Avegaille....I don't want to start a flame war either, but some of the stuff you pointed out is kinda....pointless.

The banner is a bit big, I know, but there really aren't too many pictures on MUG. The line "Your one stop for May information" was used from the start, it's the MUG slogan (even though it's cliche and stuff). The photo effect is meant to enhance the slogan and the picture, and show May in different moods.

Technical Stuff: The links are that way because the CSS won't work for some reason. And the iframe was put there by Avegaile ._." she thinks editing the menu is hard....

^.^ thanks for your critics anyway. guess I can improve...


Mush! Mush!
NM said:
If you wish to have ease on the links whenever you add in a new page for the site, I don't know if it has something to do with PHP, but meh, it's kinda annoying most free web hosters don't support PHP.

FunPic does. >>


I've been to Funpic, but the problem is that I can't sign up because it's only avaiable in America and the Netherlands. >.>;;;;

And you guys seeing me living in Asia and they can detect IP Addresses, they'll know I'm from the Philippines! XD