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Which game should I get?

  • Kingdom Hearts:Chain Of Memories

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • None,there's a whole lot better games out there!

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Simple!Should I get Kingdom Hearts:Chain of Memories or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Blue Rescue Team?
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Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Since you have PMD as one of your poll options, expect to be bombarded by posts by Pokémon fans who think you should only get that game. Just a fair warning. =P

Anyway, it's really a matter of taste. If you like card-game style battles, go for Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. If you like random dungeon games in the style of Torneko: The Last Hope and Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon and want to be able to get all 386 Pokés without having to go to Nintendo events (not that you can use them against other players), then go for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team. If you like neither of those game styles I'd suggest New Super Mario Bros. or Mega Man ZX; Those two games are far superior to any card battler or random dungeon hack. ;)
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I dunno lol
Dungeon. I'm a huge KH fan, but you could easily skip this game like I did.

OR, if what I suspect is correct, and you just want the game to enjoy the game, pick Dungeon anyway. Seems better to me. But, I have not played either game, so, uh, I'd probably need to shut up now. From what I've heard, seen, and watched, though, Dungeon looks to be the better game, gameplay-wise.

Edit: But with many other games to choose out there, many superior to these listed, you might want to take a spin on some of the other DS games to come out, or maybe save your money for something else.

After all, with this kind of holiday season coming up, we'll all be broke before we can finally say,

"I'm bored of Animal Crossing, now."
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Chain of Memories, great story, unique battle style.

You'll be trying to beat CoM for at least a few weeks. You'll beat Md and get bored of it within a week.
Chain of Memories, definatly.

MD is a horrible game in general.

Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
Get CoM, assuming you're a Kingdom Hearts fan. It's fun. :) Haven't played MD though, so I can't say if it's any good.


Well-Known Member
You're asking this on a pokemon forum. What do you think people might be more inclined to say?

up to now most people have said CoM you know,

and yeah,MD is something completely different,I can never be sure that I will enjoy it if I don't get it(plus I've seen little of CoM from a friend and I know that it won't be bad)

hmm....I'm leaning towards CoM
I've never played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team, but I have played CoM, and it's one of the best games available for GBA. If you're a Kingdom Hearts fan, then I wildly suggest that you get it.


Well-Known Member
well,i yhink this settles it,I'll be getting CoM

and yes,I am a KH fan indeed


perpetually tired
You will get board with both, but I recommend MD simply because it has slightly more replay value. However MD requires personal opinion, but so does CoM.


Hoenn Champion
Well, from the looks of your location, you live in Europe (unless it is false) and if games there are anything like they are in the UK, they stop making games after about a year, unless they are REALLY REALLY popular, so I would sugest getting Kingdom Hearts, as it is a good game and you may regret not getting it and then not been able to find it.

Also, you could wait for a bit to get PMD, as it has not been released yet in Europe, and you will have little trouble finding it.


Well-Known Member
I have MD and i have finished the main story and i still have heaps to do so the repetive play or whatever you call it is really good but then ive always liked Pokemon over Kindom Hearts but that's just me. Anyhow i think that MD was deffenatly worth the money however this is just my opinion but that's what a fourms for right? Voicing your own opinions and what not.


Well-Known Member
Well, from the looks of your location, you live in Europe (unless it is false) and if games there are anything like they are in the UK, they stop making games after about a year, unless they are REALLY REALLY popular, so I would sugest getting Kingdom Hearts, as it is a good game and you may regret not getting it and then not been able to find it.

Also, you could wait for a bit to get PMD, as it has not been released yet in Europe, and you will have little trouble finding it.

? guess that this is a great point.It took me 4 months till I found FFX and I wouldn't want the same experience with CoM,I'll wait till ma birthday to get MD