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MDR: my sceptile...


Grass Pokemon Guru
didnt learn leaf blade and yet the spin off dex says it should..???


Scyther FTW <3
Try going to Gulpin and try to remember it. You may have evolved him after he was supposed to learn it, or you just accidently forgot it and don't remember loosing it. ^^


Grass Pokemon Guru
i did and that is what makes it so wierd bc it said i couldn't teach the move or anything.. and i really like that move too


Scyther FTW <3
Hm. That's odd =/ What level is your Sceptile?


I wanted ketchup!!!
Yeah that is weird it should have a long time ago


Well-Known Member
This seems to be happening a lot lately...

Just wait a few days, gain a few levels, and see if it appears then.