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me 'ole(and new) sprite galery


God of Fusions
I'll update this page ever so often, but here's what I have:

Burglar revamp(I'm getting better at revamps:)


Totuzure huntail revamp:

A random recolor:

A rukario(right) revamp:

One of my first mixes ever:

Tormeeth, a splice:

Slazor, parellel to Tormeeth:

I hate the eyes:

Maraquan Marowak:

My first splice. EVER-

My latest, and best, scracth-Furobot!!!!!

Slicer, my new heracross!

Squacking lotad-_-:



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  • the torouze sprite has too much black init's ouline
  • the burgular revamp still too much black in it
  • in the mix you should use some custom parts
  • the scratch is not a scratch it a mix with alot of pokemon in it.
  • the splices have terrible shading


You stole that Rukario sprite from pokesho.com...

tsk tsk tsk, shame on you >(
Susan_Rocket said:
You stole that Rukario sprite from pokesho.com...

tsk tsk tsk, shame on you >(
I was just wondering how do you know he or she stole it from pokesho.com

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;


God of Fusions
Susan_Rocket said:
You stole that Rukario sprite from pokesho.com...

tsk tsk tsk, shame on you >(

It's a REVAMP of the pokesho sprite. REVAMP

Dark Venusaur said:
I was just wondering how do you know he or she stole it from pokesho.com

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;

I'm a he, a HE


It's a REVAMP of the pokesho sprite. REVAMP
You still used it without giving cred you need to give cred people it's not that ard and that's not much of a revamp


God of Fusions
u-d said:
You still used it without giving cred you need to give cred people it's not that ard and that's not much of a revamp

Okay, I gave credit. Happy? I'm currently working on improving the burglar revamp.


God of Fusions
CoolTrainerTerry said:
The Arbok splice is good, the other two are meh.

The middle one and the last one are acctually both arboc splices. Which one do u mean?


Yes I use MS paint
Mixes And Splices Are The Same
and on neopets the Maraquan aren't just recolored they're Fish-like
and also way too much black in the Huntail revamp

if you can give me a valid difference between mixes and splices then i'll get off your case
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Normal Coordinator
starter...you do know that C Spriting isn't an abbreviation for Castiboy Spriting, sorry for the off topicness of this post...but that was really bugging me...


God of Fusions
Starter530 said:
Mixes And Splices Are The Same
and on neopets the Maraquan aren't just recolored they're Fish-like
and also way too much black in the Huntail revamp

if you can give me a valid difference between mixes and splices then i'll get off your case

You want it so I give it. I sent a copy of this to your PM box for feuture reference:

MIX: A cut and paste concept, where they result is recolored to match all the other body parts. There are abosolutely No scratch peices or part's but the part's may be edited but not into the verge of scratchness.

Splice: Another cut and paste cncept, but the part's MUST have at least one or more part's made of pure scratch; another definiton of a splice is a mix where the parts are severly edited.


Electobuzz, same here. C spriting and the name castiboy just happend to have the same letter. -__- *duh*


Just me
Since when is that the definition of a splice?

As far as I'm concerned, a splice is any sort of a sprite with parts of other sprites on it, while a mix is two Pokémon that are spliced together to make some kind of a hybrid of the two.

Therefore, a Pikachu with wings is a splice, but not a mix, while all mixes are also splices. =/ Really, your definition of a splice doesn't make much sense, as

Dictionary.com said:
splice Audio pronunciation of "splice" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spls)
tr.v. spliced, splic·ing, splic·es

1. To join (two pieces of film, for example) at the ends.
2. To join (ropes, for example) by interweaving strands.
2. To join (pieces of wood) by overlapping and binding at the ends.
3. To join together or insert (segments of DNA or RNA) so as to form new genetic combinations or alter a genetic structure.
4. Slang. To join in marriage: They went to Las Vegas to get spliced.


1. A joining by splicing.
2. A place where parts have been spliced.
Basically, splicing is joining together; it makes no sense to randomly decide that a sprite splice must have scratch parts.


God of Fusions
Dragonfree said:
Since when is that the definition of a splice?

As far as I'm concerned, a splice is any sort of a sprite with parts of other sprites on it, while a mix is two Pokémon that are spliced together to make some kind of a hybrid of the two.

Therefore, a Pikachu with wings is a splice, but not a mix, while all mixes are also splices. =/ Really, your definition of a splice doesn't make much sense, as

Basically, splicing is joining together; it makes no sense to randomly decide that a sprite splice must have scratch parts.

I'll look into that. I've updated with a new adition:

EDIT: this guy too:
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God of Fusions
MInd the bumping please, but look at this-


Hmm... Yes.
The Arbok splice looks pretty cool. The splice in the middle of the Arbok thing looks pretty weird though. Probably cause the head is a little cramped together. Besides that, I think that everything looks fine. There is room for improving but eventually, you will get better and better at spriting. :)