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Mecha Moth's Trading Emporium ~Shinies & Events~


Eloquent Speaker
I can RNG manipulate hatch some of the stuff on your wishlist in exchange for things I need for my living, but for now I'll trade the shiny Torchic for your Mewtwo:

150 - Mewtwo - lvl 70 - NA - Yachi - Modest - Friend - x/x/x/x/x/29 - Grass

Edit: Proof of Shiny Torchic Hatch here

Sounds good. I'm happy to do the first trade, no problem.
I'm in MDT, and I should be free this Tuesday-Thursday with some exceptions (I normally don't make plans until the day of). My weekend's are normally pretty clear depending.
Also, that Mewtwo comes up with a flag in PKHeX, but it was caught legitimately. Just one of those weird PKHeX quirks (like flagging Cute Charm Glitch Pokemon).
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Active Member
I'm just doing this list quickly, but if you are interested in any of these, let me know

Squirtle – nothing special on IVs
Hitmonlee – 30/x/31/31/31/31
Hitmonchan – nothing special IVs
Pinsir - 31/31/31/31/x/31
Feraligatr – 31/31/31/x/31/31
Lugia – nothing special
Regice – 31/x/31/x/31/x
Registeel – nothing special
Deoxys – nothing special
Mesprit – nothing special
Manaphy nothing special
Shaymin – nothing special
Serperior – 31/30/31/30/31/30
Araquanid – 31/31/31/x/31/31
Golisopod – 31/31/31/31/31/x
Komala – x/31/31/31/31/31
Hi! I'm intererested in your shiny Modest Yveltal and have a shiny Relaxed Mesprit to offer. Friend code 1075-0713-9544, 3DS name Simo. Trainer name Adam


Eloquent Speaker
I'm just doing this list quickly, but if you are interested in any of these, let me know

Squirtle – nothing special on IVs
Hitmonlee – 30/x/31/31/31/31
Hitmonchan – nothing special IVs
Pinsir - 31/31/31/31/x/31
Feraligatr – 31/31/31/x/31/31
Lugia – nothing special
Regice – 31/x/31/x/31/x
Registeel – nothing special
Deoxys – nothing special
Mesprit – nothing special
Manaphy nothing special
Shaymin – nothing special
Serperior – 31/30/31/30/31/30
Araquanid – 31/31/31/x/31/31
Golisopod – 31/31/31/31/31/x
Komala – x/31/31/31/31/31
Nice to see ya again, Danoobna! I actually recently got a bunch of those and haven't updated my lists yet. My work blocks Serebii now, so I can't access it during the day anymore.

I would be interested in Feraligatr, Manaphy, Shaymin, and Serperior.
Do you know the source of Manaphy and Shaymin? What their OT, IVs, and other stats are? I had to release mine because of hacks.

Hi! I'm intererested in your shiny Modest Yveltal and have a shiny Relaxed Mesprit to offer. Friend code 1075-0713-9544, 3DS name Simo. Trainer name Adam
Ahhh bummer, I got one this week. Sorry about it!
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Active Member
Nice to see ya again, Danoobna! I actually recently got a bunch of those and haven't updated my lists yet. My work blocks Serebii now, so I can't access it during the day anymore.

I would be interested in Feraligatr, Manaphy, Shaymin, and Serperior.
Do you know the source of Manaphy and Shaymin? What their OT, IVs, and other stats are? I had to release mine because of hacks.


Manaphy is level 1. OT HUNTER HP and Sp Attack are Decent, Attack and Defense are pretty good, speed is no good and sp def is fantastic, caught in a pokeball, hardy nature

Shay is level 30, Naive, OT JMC ~.~, caught in a masterball, attack, defense, and speed are decent, hp and sp def are pretty good, spc attack is very good

and thwe serperior is level 100 with pokerus, which does seem a bit suspicious to me
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I also have shiny Chandalure, shiny Vanillite and shiny female Starpator from your wish list if you're interested in those for shiny Yvetlal?


Eloquent Speaker
Manaphy is level 1. OT HUNTER HP and Sp Attack are Decent, Attack and Defense are pretty good, speed is no good and sp def is fantastic, caught in a pokeball, hardy nature

Shay is level 30, Naive, OT JMC ~.~, caught in a masterball, attack, defense, and speed are decent, hp and sp def are pretty good, spc attack is very good

and thwe serperior is level 100 with pokerus, which does seem a bit suspicious to me

HUNTER Manaphy is the one I had, and it's a hack. I haven't run into the Shaymin with that OT yet, so I guess that's worth a shot. If the Serperior is suspicous then I'd rather not.

I also have shiny Chandalure, shiny Vanillite and shiny female Starpator from your wish list if you're interested in those for shiny Yvetlal?

I have access to a shiny female Staraptor. Do you know the stats and levels of the Chandelure and Vanillite? I do 1:1 trades, so feel free to choose others once I find out more info of Chandelure and Vanillite.
The vanillite I caught myself in a hoard battle, quiet nature in a dusk ball level 27 ev trained in sp att. Chandelure I got off GTS relaxed nature level 43 in a master ball I also ev trained in sp att. Neither have any perfect ivs


Active Member
HUNTER Manaphy is the one I had, and it's a hack. I haven't run into the Shaymin with that OT yet, so I guess that's worth a shot. If the Serperior is suspicous then I'd rather not.

So Feraligator and Shaymin it is. And lookig back thorugh my messages, the Shaymin came from SmeargleRocks on Serebii
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Eloquent Speaker
The vanillite I caught myself in a hoard battle, quiet nature in a dusk ball level 27 ev trained in sp att. Chandelure I got off GTS relaxed nature level 43 in a master ball I also ev trained in sp att. Neither have any perfect ivs
I'll take the Vanillite for the shiny Yveltal. Will you need the Vanillite cloned and traded back the original?

So Feraligator and Shaymin it is. And lookig back thorugh my messages, the Shaymin came from SmeargleRocks on Serebii
SmeargleRocks got me my Eppie Mew if I remember, so I'm pretty confident with that.
What would you want in return, and do you need clones?


New Member
Looking for a Blaziken that knows Thunderpunch and Knock Off/Night Slash. Willing to trade a shiny/legendary. Friend Code: 152140387903
Please respond if you have one.

Shyo Dead

Golden Star
I have some clones for trade, looking for froakie, litten, and charmander

also whats in my sig


Eloquent Speaker
Major Update:

I added 180 shinies to my lists and rearranged them a bit. Here are the additions:
1 - Bulbasaur - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Rash - Pokeball - 31/x/x/x/x/31 - Ghost
10 - Caterpie - lvl 32 - F - Aerie - Careful - Sport - x/x/30/x/29/x - Ice
13 - Weedle - lvl 3 - F - Aerie - Careful - Lure - x/x/29/x/x/x - Grass
14 - Kakuna - lvl 31 - F - Aerie - Bashful - Sport - x/x/x/x/x/x - Psychic
23 - Ekans - lvl 8 - F - Aerie - Careful - Friend - x/x/x/x/x/x - Rock
23 - Ekans - lvl 16 - F - Aerie - Gentle - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Flying
23 - Ekans - lvl 8 - F - Aerie - Careful - Fast - x/x/30/x/x/x - Ice
24 - Arbok - lvl 17 - F - Aerie - Bashful - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Grass
35 - Clefairy - lvl 8 - F - Aerie - Calm - Moon - x/29/x/x/0/x - Fighting
35 - Clefairy - lvl 8 - F - Aerie - Quiet - Love - x/x/x/x/x/0 - Rock
37 - Vulpix - lvl 18 - F - Aerie - Sassy - Moon - x/x/x/31/0/x - Steel
37 - Vulpix - lvl 18 - F - Aerie - Bashful - Heavy - x/0/30/x/x/31 - Poison
37 - Vulpix - lvl 18 - F - Aerie - Rash - Lure - x/x/x/x/x/x - Poison
37 - Vulpix - lvl 22 - F - Aerie - Sassy - Fast - x/x/x/x/x/x - Ground
39 - Jigglypuff - lvl 6 - F - Aerie - Mild - Friend - x/x/x/x/x/x - Grass
39 - Jigglypuff - lvl 17 - F - Aerie - Calm - Safari - 31/30/x/x/x/x - Bug
39 - Jigglypuff - lvl 17 - F - Aerie - Sassy - Safari - x/x/x/x/31/x - Electric
41 - Zubat - lvl 4 - F - Abby - Mild - Friend - 30/x/x/x/x/x - Water
44 - Gloom - lvl 24 - F - Aerie - Mild - Love - x/x/x/31/x/x - Electric
47 - Parasect - lvl 40 - F - Aerie - Quiet - Fast - x/x/x/0/x/x - Ground
48 - Venonat - lvl 8 - F - Aerie - Rash - Lure - 30/x/x/x/x/x - Dragon
48 - Venonat - lvl 8 - F - Aerie - Mild - Moon - x/x/x/x/x/x - Ice
48 - Venonat - lvl 8 - F - Aerie - Careful - Love - x/x/x/x/x/x - Bug
49 - Venomoth - lvl 8 - F - Aerie - Sassy - Heavy - x/x/x/x/x/x - Steel
50 - Diglett - lvl 43 - F - Aerie - Bashful - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Dragon
60 - Poliwag - lvl 16 - F - Aerie - Careful - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/30 - Fighting
61 - Poliwhirl - lvl 36 - F - Aerie - Mild - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Flying
61 - Poliwhirl - lvl 16 - F - Aerie - Bashful - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fighting
63 - Abra - lvl 10 - F - Aerie - Careful - Moon - x/x/30/29/30/x - Ground
63 - Abra - lvl 10 - F - Aerie - Quiet - Love - 30/x/x/x/x/x - Dragon
63 - Abra - lvl 9 - F - Aerie - Rash - Lure - x/x/x/x/x/x - Rock
63 - Abra - lvl 19 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Master - 31/x/x/30/x/x - Flying
64 - Kadabra - lvl 42 - F - Aerie - Calm - Level - x/x/29/x/x/x - Psychic
64 - Kadabra - lvl 42 - F - Aerie - Calm - Moon - x/x/x/x/x/x - Water
66 - Machop - lvl 14 - F - Aerie - Mild - Level - x/x/x/x/x/x - Poison
67 - Machoke - lvl 39 - F - Aerie - Bashful - Friend - x/x/x/x/x/x - Dragon
67 - Machoke - lvl 39 - F - Aerie - Rash - Lure - 0/x/x/x/x/x - Water
67 - Machoke - lvl 14 - F - Aerie - Careful - Fast - x/x/x/x/0/0 - Fighting
70 - Weepinbell - lvl 46 - F - Aerie - Quiet - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/30 - Rock
79 - Slowpoke - lvl 16 - M - Abby - Jolly - Safari - x/x/x/0/x/x - Flying
81 - Magnemite - lvl 1 - NA - Luric - Rash - Pokeball - 31/31/x/x/x/31 - Steel
83 - Farfetch'd - lvl 24 - F - Aerie - Rash - Level - x/x/29/x/x/x - Psychic
84 - Doduo - lvl 17 - F - Aerie - Rash - Safari - x/x/x/x/30/x - Flying
86 - Seel - lvl 18 - F - Aerie - Rash - Level - 0/x/x/x/x/x - Grass
104 - Cubone - lvl 10 - F - Aerie - Quiet - Level - x/x/x/x/29/x - Grass
109 - Koffing - lvl 16 - F - Aerie - Careful - Safari - x/31/31/x/x/x - Water
110 - Weezing - lvl 16 - F - Aerie - Mild - Safari - x/x/x/x/0/31 - Poison
111 - Rhyhorn - lvl 22 - F - Raisly - Lonely - Premier - x/x/x/x/0/x - Flying
112 - Rhydon - lvl 41 - F - Raisly - Docile - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Grass
113 - Chansey - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Serious - Pokeball - x/31/x/x/31/x - Dragon
122 - Mr. Mime - lvl 30 - F - Raisly - Brave - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Rock
125 - Electabuzz - lvl 18 - F - Aerie - Sassy - Fast - x/0/31/x/x/x - Fighting
125 - Electabuzz - lvl 15 - F - Aerie - Quiet - Heavy - 30/x/x/x/x/x - Ghost
125 - Electabuzz - lvl 18 - F - Aerie - Calm - Level - x/x/x/x/x/x - Electric
125 - Electabuzz - lvl 41 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Premier - x/x/x/x/30/x - Fighting
126 - Magmar - lvl 16 - F - Aerie - Calm - Love - x/x/x/x/x/x - Water
129 - Magikarp - lvl 15 - F - Aerie - Careful - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Water
130 - Gyarados - lvl 37 - F - Aerie - Careful - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fire
131 - Lapras - lvl 15 - F - Aerie - Gentle - Safari - x/x/x/30/x/x - Fighting
152 - Chikorita - lvl 1 - M - Luric - Serious - Pokeball - 31/30/31/x/x/31 - Ghost
152 - Chikorita - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Rash - Pokeball - 31/30/x/x/x/31 - Poison
158 - Totodile - lvl 1 - M - Luric - Lax - Pokeball - 31/31/31/x/x/31 - Electric
158 - Totodile - lvl 1 - M - Luric - Bold - Pokeball - 31/31/31/x/x/31 - Electric
160 - Feraligatr - lvl 36 - M - Amresh - Jolly - Pokeball - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Dark
163 - Hoothoot - lvl 26 - F - Raisly - Relaxed - Safari - x/x/x/0/x/x - Water
164 - Noctowl - lvl 30 - F - Raisly - Relaxed - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Dragon
175 - Togepi - lvl 1 - M - Luric - Serious - Pokeball - 31/x/31/x/29/31 - Dark
179 - Mareep - lvl 13 - F - Aerie - Sassy - Lure - x/x/x/x/x/x - Rock
179 - Mareep - lvl 15 - F - Aerie - Mild - Moon - x/29/x/x/x/x - Fire
183 - Marill - lvl 20 - F - Raisly - Docile - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Rock
185 - Sudowoodo - lvl 31 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fighting
187 - Hoppip - lvl 20 - F - Aerie - Bashful - Friend - x/29/x/x/x/x - Ice
187 - Hoppip - lvl 16 - F - Aerie - Mild - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fighting
187 - Hoppip - lvl 20 - F - Aerie - Sassy - Lure - x/x/29/x/x/x - Ground
191 - Sunkern - lvl 10 - F - Aerie - Careful - Fast - x/x/x/x/x/x - Dragon
193 - Yanma - lvl 12 - F - Aerie - Quiet - Lure - x/x/x/x/x/x - Dark
193 - Yanma - lvl 12 - F - Aerie - Gentle - Heavy - x/x/x/x/x/0 - Fighting
193 - Yanma - lvl 29 - F - Raisly - Adamant - Safari - 31/x/x/x/x/x - Rock
194 - Wooper - lvl 26 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Safari - 30/x/x/x/0/x - Steel
195 - Quagsire - lvl 24 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Premier - x/x/x/x/30/x - Rock
198 - Murkrow - lvl 17 - F - Aerie - Rash - Friend - x/x/31/x/x/29 - Dragon
200 - Misdreavus - lvl 45 - F - Aerie - Rash - Level - x/x/x/x/30/x - Bug
200 - Misdreavus - lvl 45 - F - Aerie - Rash - Dusk - x/x/x/x/x/x - Bug
202 - Wobbuffet - lvl 17 - F - Aerie - Careful - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Poison
213 - Shuckle - lvl 44 - F - Aerie - Mild - Safari - x/x/x/x/31/x - Electric
215 - Sneasel - lvl 35 - F - Raisly - Docile - Premier - x/x/x/x/0/x - Ghost
220 - Swinub - lvl 33 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Ultra - x/x/x/0/x/x - Water
222 - Corsola - lvl 40 - F - Aerie - Calm - Dive - x/x/x/x/x/x - Poison
222 - Corsola - lvl 40 - F - Aerie - Mild - Lure - x/x/x/x/29/x - Grass
222 - Corsola - lvl 40 - F - Aerie - Calm - Moon - 0/x/x/x/0/31 - Ghost
228 - Houndour - lvl 42 - F - Aerie - Rash - Safari - x/31/x/x/x/x - Fighting
231 - Phanpy - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Bold - Dusk - 30/31/x/x/31/x - Water
239 - Elekid - lvl 1 - M - Luric - Bold - Pokeball - 31/x/31/x/31/31 - Grass
241 - Miltank - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Bold - Ultra - x/31/31/31/x/x - Bug - - "Blubelle"
255 - Torchic - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Rash - Pokeball - x/31/31/31/x/x - Bug
258 - Mudkip - lvl 1 - M - Luric - Bold - Pokeball - 31/x/31/x/31/31 - Electric
263 - Zigzagoon - lvl 38 - F - Aerie - Quiet - Safari - x/x/x/x/31/x - Fire
265 - Wurmple - lvl 36 - F - Aerie - Rash - Sport - x/x/x/x/x/x - Psychic
265 - Wurmple - lvl 5 - F - Raisly - Docile - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Steel
266 - Silcoon - lvl 14 - F - Raisly - Brave - Premier - x/x/31/x/x/x - Dark
278 - Wingull - lvl 23 - F - Raisly - Hardy - Premier - x/x/x/x/0/0 - Fighting
279 - Pelipper - lvl 31 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Dive - x/x/x/30/x/x - Water
296 - Makuhita - lvl 43 - F - Aerie - Gentle - Love - x/x/x/x/30/x - Rock
296 - Makuhita - lvl 12 - F - Aerie - Sassy - Fast - x/x/0/x/x/x - Flying
296 - Makuhita - lvl 12 - F - Aerie - Careful - Level - x/x/x/x/x/x - Dark
309 - Electrike - lvl 42 - F - Aerie - Rash - Safari - x/30/30/x/x/x - Water
315 - Roselia - lvl 20 - F - Raisly - Adamant - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fire
322 - Numel - lvl 6 - F - Aerie - Careful - Lure - x/x/x/x/x/x - Bug
329 - Vibrava - lvl 45 - M - Abby - Timid - Safari - x/x/x/29/x/31 - Dragon
331 - Cacnea - lvl 35 - M - Abby - Serious - Safari - x/x/x/x/31/x - Grass
335 - Zangoose - lvl 45 - F - Aerie - Mild - Safari - 0/x/30/x/x/x - Electric
335 - Zangoose - lvl 45 - F - Aerie - Sassy - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fire
345 - Lileep - lvl 1 - M - Luric - Serious - Pokeball - 31/0/31/x/x/31 - Dragon
356 - Dusclops - lvl 45 - F - Aerie - Rash - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Grass
359 - Absol - lvl 44 - F - Aerie - Sassy - Dive - x/x/x/x/29/x - Fire
359 - Absol - lvl 10 - F - Aerie - Rash - Timer - x/x/x/x/30/x - Poison
359 - Absol - lvl 10 - F - Aerie - Quiet - Repeat - x/x/x/x/x/x - Steel
359 - Absol - lvl 10 - F - Aerie - Rash - Nest - x/x/x/x/x/x - Grass
359 - Absol - lvl 8 - F - Aerie - Quiet - Luxury - x/x/x/x/x/x - Electric
359 - Absol - lvl 8 - F - Aerie - Gentle - Heal - x/x/30/x/0/30 - Fighting
359 - Absol - lvl 8 - F - Aerie - Gentle - Quick - 29/x/x/x/x/x - Dark
359 - Absol - lvl 6 - F - Aerie - Rash - Net - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fighting
369 - Relicanth - lvl 40 - F - Aerie - Careful - Lure - x/x/x/29/x/x - Ice
397 - Staravia - lvl 19 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Premier - 29/0/x/x/x/x - Dragon
399 - Bidoof - lvl 2 - F - Raisly - Brave - Great - x/x/x/31/x/x - Psychic
400 - Bibarel - lvl 19 - F - Raisly - Bold - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Bug
400 - Bibarel - lvl 26 - F - Raisly - Adamant - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Poison
401 - Kricketot - lvl 5 - F - Raisly - Bold - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fire
402 - Kricketune - lvl 29 - F - Aerie - Bashful - Sport - x/x/31/x/x/30 - Bug
406 - Budew - lvl 11 - F - Raisly - Brave - Premier - 31/x/x/x/x/x - Ground
406 - Budew - lvl 3 - F - Aerie - Bashful - Moon - x/x/x/x/x/x - Dark
410 - Shieldon - lvl 1 - M - Luric - Quirky - Pokeball - 31/x/30/x/x/31 - Bug
412 - Burmy (Plant) - lvl 9 - F - Raisly - Brave - Premier - x/x/x/x/29/0 - Fire
412 - Burmy (Plant) - lvl 7 - F - Raisly - Hardy - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Flying
413 - Wormadam (Plant) - lvl 20 - F - Raisly - Hardy - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fighting
413 - Wormadam (Sandy) - lvl 20 - F - Raisly - Hardy - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fire
415 - Combee - lvl 33 - F - Aerie - Mild - Sport - x/x/x/x/x/x - Flying
415 - Combee - lvl 5 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Water
415 - Combee - lvl 9 - F - Raisly - Brave - Premier - 29/x/x/x/x/x - Fire
417 - Pachirisu - lvl 9 - F - Raisly - Adamant - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Ghost
418 - Buizel - lvl 10 - F - Raisly - Lonely - Premier - x/29/x/29/x/x - Bug
419 - Floatzel - lvl 29 - F - Raisly - Relaxed - Premier - x/x/x/x/29/x - Water
420 - Cherubi - lvl 14 - F - Raisly - Relaxed - Premier - x/x/x/0/x/x - Grass
422 - Shellos (Red/West Sea) - lvl 9 - F - Raisly - Bold - Heal - 31/x/x/x/x/x - Bug
422 - Shellos (Red/West Sea) - lvl 10 - F - Raisly - Brave - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fighting
422 - Shellos (Blue/East Sea) - lvl 25 - F - Raisly - Lonely - Dive - 30/x/x/x/x/0 - Water
422 - Shellos (Blue/East Sea) - lvl 24 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Dragon
423 - Gastrodon (Red/West Sea) - lvl 28 - F - Raisly - Adamant - Premier - x/x/x/x/31/x - Grass
427 - Buneary - lvl 11 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Premier - 29/x/x/x/31/x - Dragon
427 - Buneary - lvl 13 - F - Raisly - Bold - Heal - x/x/x/x/x/x - Flying
431 - Glameow - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Timid - Great - x/31/x/x/31/x - Ice
434 - Stunky - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Serious - Ultra - x/31/x/x/31/x - Psychic
436 - Bronzor - lvl 1 - NA - Luric - Lonely - Dream - x/x/x/x/x/31 - Poison
436 - Bronzor - lvl 1 - NA - Luric - Timid - Dream - 31/x/31/x/x/31 - Steel
441 - Chatot - lvl 28 - F - Raisly - Lonely - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fire
443 - Gible - lvl 17 - F - Raisly - Adamant - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Electric
443 - Gible - lvl 17 - F - Raisly - Naughty - Premier - x/x/x/x/30/x - Ground
449 - Hippopotas - lvl 43 - F - Aerie - Rash - Safari - 29/x/x/x/30/29 - Steel
449 - Hippopotas - lvl 43 - F - Aerie - Rash - Safari - x/x/x/x/x/x - Bug
451 - Skorupi - lvl 28 - F - Raisly - Bold - Safari - x/x/x/x/0/x - Poison
451 - Skorupi - lvl 27 - F - Raisly - Brave - Safari - x/0/x/31/0/x - Rock
453 - Croagunk - lvl 25 - F - Raisly - Hardy - Premier - x/31/x/x/x/x - Dragon
453 - Croagunk - lvl 25 - F - Raisly - Docile - Dive - x/x/x/x/x/x - Fire
456 - Finneon - lvl 20 - F - Raisly - Bold - Premier - x/x/x/x/x/x - Electric
458 - Mantyke - lvl 35 - F - Raisly - Docile - Dive - x/x/x/x/x/x -
459 - Snover - lvl 35 - F - Raisly - Bold - Premier - x/30/x/x/x/x - Bug
460 - Abomasnow - lvl 38 - F - Raisly - Bold - Premier - x/29/x/x/x/x - Ice
479 - Rotom - lvl 1 - NA - Luric - Rash - Pokeball - 31/x/x/31/x/31 - Ghost
479 - Rotom - lvl 1 - NA - Luric - Serious - Pokeball - 31/x/31/x/31/31 - Dark
479 - Rotom - lvl 1 - NA - Luric - Bold - Pokeball - 31/x/x/31/x/31 - Ghost
492 - Shaymin - lvl 30 - NA - JMC - Naive - Master - x/x/x/x/x/x - Water
495 - Snivy - lvl 1 - M - Luric - Sassy - Pokeball - 31/x/x/x/x/31 - Ground
501 - Oshawott - lvl 1 - M - Luric - Lonely - Pokeball - x/x/x/x/x/31 - Ghost
532 - Timburr - Lvl 1 - M - Luric - Adamant - Ultra - x/31/x/31/31/x - Psychic
540 - Sewaddle - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Bold - Great - x/31/x/x/31/x - Electric
599 - Klink - lvl 1 - NA - Luric - Adamant - Great - 31/x/x/x/x/31 - Ghost
602 - Tynamo - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Serious - Ultra - x/31/x/x/31/x - Electric
602 - Tynamo - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Quirky - Ultra - x/31/31/x/31/x - Psychic
607 - Litwick - lvl 1 - F - Luric - Serious - Pokeball - x/31/x/x/31/x - Dragon
626 - Bouffalant - lvl 1 - M - Luric - Lonely - Ultra - x/31/31/31/31/0 - Ice

Whenever you have a chance, would need some pkmn cloned

PM me.

I have some clones for trade, looking for froakie, litten, and charmander

also whats in my sig
Follow the form.


Well-Known Member


MS Paint Sableye
I checked the pokemon I have, I have a few Dream Ball mons that you don't seem to have, or at least aren't in your list... which is a little odd to me, I'd have thought you had these ._.


  1. Pinsir *
  2. Mawile *
  3. Eevee (Sylveon) *
  4. Bronzor *
  5. Klink *
  6. Aerodactyl
  7. Torkoal
  8. Buneary
  9. Zigzagoon
  10. Timburr
  11. Pachirisu

3DS Name: Ishii
Friend Code: 3926-5853-1176
Trainer Name: Ishii
Do you need clones: No (I will be sending offspring of each of the above, or eggs if you prefer they have your trainer details)

Not all of them are competitiely bred (I'll mark the comp ones with * ), but there's the list. TBH I thought you had some of the pokemon I listed, but maybe I just have you confused with someone else. I could also have more, but they'd be in 6th gen or in Bank, and I'd rather not take the effort to check when I'm in the middle of MMing. But if you are interested, I can send over babies of each.

I'll wait to list anything I'd like in return, just in case there are any from above that you don't want.
Last edited:


Eloquent Speaker
Hey! How's it going?
Interested in:
774 - Minior (Purple) - lvl 1 - NA - Yachi - Adamant - Moon - 31/31/31/31/31/31 - Dark
774 - Minior (Yellow) - lvl 19 - NA - Tabitha - Jolly - Luxury - 31/31/x/31/x/30 - Bug
3DS Name: Think you might have all my info already, but if not, it's below in my sig
Friend Code:
Trainer Name:
Do you need clones (Yes/No): No

Hey EKZ! Happy to see you again. I believe I still have your information, but I trade so much I may have accidentally deleted your Friend Code. I'll make sure to double check come trade time.
I would be interested in these two:
6IV Adamant Deerling (Winter) (M) (Ultra Ball)
6IV Adamant HA Deerling (Spring) (F) - Fake Tears, Agility, Synthesis, Baton Pass

I'd actually be interested in all of your shiny Deerling, although egg moves and flawless stats aren't too big a deal for me. If you spot another two in your shop, let me know. I should be free tomorrow night, Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday night.

I checked the pokemon I have, I have a few Dream Ball mons that you don't seem to have, or at least aren't in your list... which is a little odd to me, I'd have thought you had these ._.


  1. Pinsir *
  2. Mawile *
  3. Klink *
  4. Aerodactyl
  5. Torkoal
  6. Zigzagoon
  7. Timburr

3DS Name: Ishii
Friend Code: 3926-5853-1176
Trainer Name: Ishii
Do you need clones: No (I will be sending offspring of each of the above, or eggs if you prefer they have your trainer details)

Not all of them are competitiely bred (I'll mark the comp ones with * ), but there's the list. TBH I thought you had some of the pokemon I listed, but maybe I just have you confused with someone else. I could also have more, but they'd be in 6th gen or in Bank, and I'd rather not take the effort to check when I'm in the middle of MMing. But if you are interested, I can send over babies of each.

I'll wait to list anything I'd like in return, just in case there are any from above that you don't want.
Ummm... you may be confusing me with someone else. When I first joined Serebii 7 years ago or whatever, it was for an Arceus and HA & Dream Ball pokemon, but that was before balls were hereditary.

No need to check anything in Gen 6 or in Bank if it's going to disrupt anything.

Here's what I'd be interested in:
  • Pinsir *
  • Mawile *
  • Klink *
  • Aerodactyl
  • Torkoal
  • Zigzagoon
  • Timburr


MS Paint Sableye
Ummm... you may be confusing me with someone else. When I first joined Serebii 7 years ago or whatever, it was for an Arceus and HA & Dream Ball pokemon, but that was before balls were hereditary.

No need to check anything in Gen 6 or in Bank if it's going to disrupt anything.

Here's what I'd be interested in:
  • Pinsir *
  • Mawile *
  • Klink *
  • Aerodactyl
  • Torkoal
  • Zigzagoon
  • Timburr

...eh, whatever. Even if you were the same person, you list your wants and I provide, questions mostly pertaining to if they're legit (which they are).

Do you care how competitive the offspring are? Besides the ones who are already comp bred, I am willing to quickly breed up the ones that aren't.