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Medli to the Rescue! (Moveset)


Well-Known Member
Hi! I'm about to instate a Medicham onto my team in Emerald. It'll be my mascot pokemon, because it's funny looking :p

Anyway, does anyone have mveset ideas for my new Medli? Keep in mind that I do not battle over the internet or anything; this is in-game, so please don't suggest anything that's too weird like CB'd SubPunching Cham w/ SB, CM, EQ, IB. I find those kind of annoying, 'specially with abbreviations for everything.

Feel free to suggest EV spreads though. I was thinking something along the lines of 252 attack and 252 speed, but I fail at EV business. Thanks for the help in advance.

~> Veggie



Why would anyone suggest SubPunch with a CB?

Medicham @Choice Band
4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spd
-Hi Jump Kick
-Shadow Ball
-Rock Slide
-Fake Out


Good Eye Sniper
If your good at predicting just a Focus Punch could be good over Fake out and if Hi Jump Kick gets to hurting you, you can use Brick Break