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Meet the world, Alex.

How stupid is Alex

  • Stupid? He's genius!

    Votes: 6 15.4%
  • He's not that bad...

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • OK, He's stupid, But he can't help it!

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • I admit, He is stupid!

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Well I do NOT want to be his mom!

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • Stupid as pie...

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • So stupid he thinks that a hammer is a bird.

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • So stupid he thinks that red is food.

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • So stupid he thinks that Kyogre is a color

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • So stupid I will not post here...

    Votes: 11 28.2%

  • Total voters


This is a comic about my life in the pokemon world(It's not too related to my real life since I don't want anybody to assasin me). I'm gonna work with whole my butt to make this good and I'll hope for some critizism:). Rate even if you think it's badder than winnie the pooh and rate how stupid Alex are.


Season 1: Stupidity and away!
The start:
4(extra long)
6(YAY! fixed!)
7(finally up!!!)
A new friend:

The spriters resource

Special thanks to:
Mutanton_91, thanks for everything!
All of my readers!
Alex, for being me.
My self, oh god, you're so great...

Fan stuff:
Burt's mind in chap.1 (now this is short)
Dark Lugia smells...
Alex body
Sprite sheet
Four Alex
Letter soup(By jhoto moto)
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Normal Coordinator
Wow Alex must be really annoying.

Electrode Destroyer

'Tis too weird for me to really understand it, so I don't really care about this one. I will not post here again.


Great start, hope to see more soon.
Every starting comic has to wait for a few readers. After a time, the readers have to wait for a comic :p

jhoto moto

Oh my word this is too funny I am going to keep reading this.

Electrode Destroyer

Uh, the poll has nothing to do with the comic's good...ness. Oh, I'll rate it.
1. No speech bubbles. This comic could really use some speech bubbles.
2. Unoriginal. How come every comic I've rated like this is unoriginal?
3. The panels change size.
4. Onixes are usually bigger than that. It's probably related to the midget Tyranitar in someone else's comic.
5. After Onixes Selfdestruct, they usually don't turn into a peice of charcoal.
6.Beldums can't learn Psychic attacks.
I'm being extra picky, so your comic is good. To some people. About average to me.


1. I will not use speech bubbles bcause I think they are annoying and I'm too lazy to make them.yaaaaawn...
2. Maybe it's bcause you want only 00ber comics to be in fan-comics.
3. Yep, they do... and I'll try to make them the same size but sometimes it is good with panels that are different, Like if you are gonna....whatever...
4. Have you ever heard of BABY onixes?
5. Have you ever heard of STUPID onixes that fails with every move they do?
6. This is the world of stupid fantasy, where everyone can learn every move.

EDIT: New fan stuff!Karaoke2
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Comic Trainer!
Hey there! Didn't see this untill now! Good job, but the last chapter won't load for me. :(


Comic Trainer!
haha. Värsta norden klubben här. :p Anyway, when's the next update?


Paras is the shiz!
Yay, another pokemon comic [sarcasm]. I swear can't any of you come up with something thats not pokemon related. This comic is unoriginal, text under panels, effects suck, if you say its a baby Onix it would still be bigger, grammar mistakes, Alex is just a recolor, its not funny, and the plot seems pretty basic. You get a 3/10.

Pixilated Penguin

Goatman, I agree. Too many unorginal comics. Make a scratch comic or something. My friend Patrick and I are. It's not really that hard. Be original.

Muddy Mudkip

Really good comic!
Keep up the good work!
I forgot sumthing, alex is stupid as pie.
Jag håller med, värsta nordiska klubben!