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Megaman: Complete Randomness The Comic!


Darkness Is Rising..
Ok here's goes yet another try at a comic!
This will probaly(sp?) update twice a day so you guys are lucky!

Saga 1: Beginning Of Evil!
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4


Fan Stuff:
None!* Pm me it if you have any!*

The Spriter's Resource, Mastercouger, The Shy Guy Kingdom!

So this should be done and don't care about my sig please!
If you read this please post!


Wario = PWN
1.Don't use 2 toned backgrounds...
2.Your mixing sprite bittages
3.Nothing is funny because everything is hard to understand do to bad grammer.
4.Bad grammer
5.You're using the auto cliche jokes... and number three was just.... pointless... nothing funny in it....

I'd work on your comic somemore before I went further.


Darkness Is Rising..
Well this is my first try at a comic like this:
1. Bob and george does all the time and no body cares!
2. Well you try making one sprite the same bittage as another!
3. Well maybe show me how to fix them!
4. Will work on that!
5. I'll try and make better jokes!

So. Isn't even a sentence!
I will work on this!


Wario = PWN
Sakim said:
Well this is my first try at a comic like this:
1. Bob and george does all the time and no body cares!
2. Well you try making one sprite the same bittage as another!
3. Well maybe show me how to fix them!
4. Will work on that!
5. I'll try and make better jokes!

So. Isn't even a sentence!
I will work on this!

Gewd gosh Palbert calm down... your scaring the baby...
1.Yeah but bob and george makes up for it in funnyness...
2.Why not just use sprites from one gsme?
3.You should really just use a grammer correcting program instead of using me as your teacher...
4. Ok... Why are you using so many exclamation marks?
5.OK! OK! Just stop yelling!
So was a typo... I meant to put the dotdotdot thinger... like that...
No I'm not flaming... if anything I'm replying to your post...


Darkness Is Rising..
It's ok I just like to use exclamation points so sorry is you thought I wsa yelling at you. Thanks for the help!


The Infinite Fire
So what's the Eliza usage for? Just cause Sprites Inc's Yellow Demon sprites are down?


Monkey Dragon
I'm sorry, I have no earthly idea what's going on. First you have Zero, then a NromalNavi (from exe series, I might add) with some monster that I forget. Then something with Blues.EXE and IceMan.EXE, what's going on? It's not really funny, and the grammar needs work...


Mastercougar, it's really had to own a recolor.

I going to say this: Just because BnG uses them does not make it a good comic. And using an excuse to say, "He uses two tone, why can't idea?" to try to convince us it's good is stupid. Here let me explain with a part of a guide I got from Maneko.
Maneko said:
How many times have we seen this? Jimmy Wang posted his fantabulastic comic in a sprite comics community hoping to get praises, admiration and all that nice stuff, but actually, nobody liked his comic because, well... it was horrible.
What do you think Jimmy will do? Listen to the other forumers to fix his mistakes? Oh, no, of course not! He is too important to accept his failure, so instead of accepting the critics and learn from them, he will... MAKE STUPID EXCUSES TO JUSTIFY HIS MEDIOCRITY!!!
What, so just because you are posting ********, you expect everyone will love your horrid comic? It's a magical ********? Whoa! Your excuses can turn a mediocre comic in a good one? yip... then I have wasted 3 years of my life practicing, listening everyone's critics and learning from my mistakes! Why should I practice, if a pile of excuses can improve an horrid comic?
No, really. Making excuses to justify a mediocre comic is the most stupid thing you can do. Nobody liked your stuff? Well, try to figure why nobody liked it, and practice hard to improve! Then (and just then) try again and... WHOA! Now it looks much better, no?

So, no more excuses! No dramas! Have you seen a guy being famous and respected for being a crybaby? With lots of admirators saying "Ohh, nobody can make sad excuses like Jimmy Wang, every time I see his horrid crap, his awesome excuses makes them look like gold!"

Common sense, my friends! Common sense! No pain, no gain! It's that simple!