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Megaman ZX The Animated Seires

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Okay just to let you know this is not pokemon but this is a fan fiction so enjoy.

Episode 1 Model X Fighting for ever lasting peace.

10 years ago: ahhhhhh the maverics are atacking run " said a person "!Bwhahaha we the maverics will be rulers of the world " said a boy maveric ".well i shall destroy as well " said a girl maveric ".huff huff huff Ms.Giro please take my children " said Allie,Alex and Aile,s mom.yes i shall " said Ms.giro ".Thank you, Bam ms.giro did not see that the mother died but then Alex and Aile starrted to cry.There there " ms.giro said.

10 years later:Vroom Vroom Vroom Alex and Aile are riding there Motorcycle to the cliff they go to see Slifer.ink,So i knew you guys would be here well we need to deliver a biomeatal to the gaurdians " Giro said suddenly a gun shoot the motercycles and blew the three away into the outer world.Step one complete "said a maveric ".Ahhhhhh bam Alex and Aile hit the ground well that hurt " Aile said " by the way where are we " said Alex?I dont know maybe ...... Sudennly a big snake came out HISSSSSSSSS "cried the snake " ahhhhh a maver snake "said Aile " suddenly the two kids looked at the box to be delivered and it broke and came out the Bio metal we shall aid you because you are the chosen ones " said the Bio Metal ".Chosen ones " said the two children suddenly the knew what to say and this is what they said M.E.G.a system on Bio metal transform then they turned into a blue suited,white and red Buckled,X buster holding Models called model X. transformation compleate " said the two children ".X buster charge level one double shot fire then Bam it hit the snake one the head " HISSSSSSSSSSSS " cried the snake and then it fled.We did it huff huff huff "said Alex tired ".Yeah " said Aile.

well thats the end of this episode i will post the looks of what each person looks like tomorow and the next episode.see ya.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
... not just that but What is up with breaking the rules lately!?

I'm just reporting this, this is just bad. No, this is beyond bad, and I am just tired of crappy writers coming, writing crap in the reply box and posting it, and thinking they'll get praise for the crappy writing.
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