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So Zetta Slow!
...hehe I've got nothing to say but...Cool!! Neat!! Nice!!...but you should try to click the image again once you've uploaded it so you can view the whole size...for the sprites...not bad...hehehe

Yay! 1st post of other human creature


Well-Known Member
2 problems, saved as jpg, makes the sprites have even worse quality than they already were, resized in paint by you, making them crap.


Well-Known Member
sorry i''ll put smaller sprites up next time...thanx for the comments(good and bad) i think they'll look better if they were small anyway!

is this better?


Well-Known Member
It looks, odd. I can't really explain it, but the head, and the flowers don't go together well. And the body looks really skinny. Making the leaves stick out a lot. But it's good I guess.