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Hey everyone. As you can probably tell: I'm new. I found this place from a person on TV.com called SPDShadowRanger. He talks about this forum all the time.

Anyway, I think I'll like it here. :)

Taylor Ray

Newest shiny
Hello if you follow the rules and have fun you'll be fine :D if you have any questinos or want to be friends don't be afriad to pm me

Taylor Ray

Newest shiny
Good now you won't have to worry about getting in trouble. :D if you need help with tc's I might be able to help on my old acount i helped do TC's for a shop. I still have some of the sprites but I'm not that great of a teacher so pm me if you want me to send you the sprites. :)


The New AG...
Glad you got around to visit a real forum. You'll find that you'll have more freedom but more rules then those cheap bootleg forums on tv.com. That place sucks (No offence to you or anything. I just have history with it back when it was tvtome)


latino heat

Mexican pride
Hey I know you youre the owner of the Xiaolin Showdown page on TV.COM
Have fun and if you need me PM Me

Neo Mario

How'd these get here
I remember you to megaxiaolinfreak
I sure do miss those tvtome days now those were REAL fourms
I never found out why they ot rid of it
I remember you to megaxiaolinfreak
I sure do miss those tvtome days now those were REAL fourms
I never found out why they ot rid of it
MegaXiaolinFreak? lol. Don't worry. People have called me worse. :p

Hey I know you youre the owner of the Xiaolin Showdown page on TV.COM
Have fun and if you need me PM Me
Another person from TV.com. Cool. What's your username there?

Glad you got around to visit a real forum. You'll find that you'll have more freedom but more rules then those cheap bootleg forums on tv.com. That place sucks (No offence to you or anything. I just have history with it back when it was tvtome)

TV.com's cool. But I was only on TV Tome a week before it turned into TV.com..Thanks for the welcome!

Good now you won't have to worry about getting in trouble. :D if you need help with tc's I might be able to help on my old acount i helped do TC's for a shop. I still have some of the sprites but I'm not that great of a teacher so pm me if you want me to send you the sprites. :)
That's okay. I know a place to get sprites.
Last edited:


Josh trainer
Welcome, here are some important links.

Rules - Read them and follow them.

- Check here if you have any questions. Very useful.

Search - Use it if you're looking for something. And also, before making a thread, check if there's one like it already.

User Ranks - Many members ask about them, so look before you ask.

User CP - Change your avatar, signature and profile here.

Signature Rules - Don't break them, or staff members may delete your signature. If you want to check your sig, go to the Signature Check Thread.


Wants name change
Welcome, here are some important links.

Rules - Read them and follow them.

- Check here if you have any questions. Very useful.

Search - Use it if you're looking for something. And also, before making a thread, check if there's one like it already.

User Ranks - Many members ask about them, so look before you ask.

User CP - Change your avatar, signature and profile here.

Signature Rules - Don't break them, or staff members may delete your signature. If you want to check your sig, go to the Signature Check Thread.

I gotta remember that post, it'll be useful to post in 'Hi' threads.

Anyway, welcome to SPPF, don't touch the Poliwhirl smiley, it's cursed. Just kidding, have fun and try not to break any rules. Useful tip: The sig rules are the ones most commonly broken, don't turn into one of those rule-breakers.

I also recommend you not to touch the Spinda, Venonat and Keikouo smileys either. Times will be few where you need to use them.