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Meh...I was bored


Wonder of Thunder!
These are sprites I made caus I was bored or if Pokemon Crater was down
Anyway here you go:

North and South sprites of Toritidon and it's prevo (forgot the name) I worked on them for about and hour

Mixes of Azumarill. My favorite is the Nidoran female one...lol

Just 4th gen MD sprites. I used castform and Volbeat.

So, that is it. C+C is appreciated. If you want to use any of these sprites please ask me on this thread or through PM.

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
They all seem good. May I just ask what the 4th Azumarill is?

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
Oh okay! Thanks. Also I just reliazed that the South one. The small one's head is off shaped.