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Memento base


Well-Known Member
What is it?
and how do i make it?

Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
let ya friend train 6 latios / gardavior lv 100 only memento;
let him/her let all their latios etc in their team;
mix records;
go to her secret base;
there will be a trainer with the pkmn she had in her team while mixing records.


I said, Bring It ON!
or just make a gardevoir/latios lv 100
delete all moves but memento
clone it into 6
mix records
fight him/her with a pokemon looking for special attack evs
they will all die instantly and voila!


Beginning Trainer
sorry for disruptin but can any1 get me a trainer card


shinypidgeot trainer
About this memento base i have a quesTION?

Ok i got a lvl 28 ralts right well can i rare candy him up to 98 and evolve him and the rare candy him and eveolve again for a lvl 100 gardevoir and keep memento or should i ev train him up to lvl 98 and ev until lv 100 gardevoir.

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
About this memento base i have a quesTION?

Ok i got a lvl 28 ralts right well can i rare candy him up to 98 and evolve him and the rare candy him and eveolve again for a lvl 100 gardevoir and keep memento or should i ev train him up to lvl 98 and ev until lv 100 gardevoir.

not necessary to EV train, just level it up.
You say you went to YOUR secret base in the emerald. Wherever the base in the sapphire was go there on emerald and you can battle the latios there.

The sapphire base and your normal base on emerald were at different locations right? Because it wont work if they are at the same place. ;123;