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Memento is a horrible attack, when used in battling that is. It instantly kills your Pokemon, and only sharply lowers the opponent's attack stats, which is easily remedied by switching.

However, it is quite useful in secret bases made for EV training. For example, you make a secret base in which the trainer only has six Lv. 100 Gardevoirs with Memento as their only move. You bring in, say, a newly hatched Lv. 5 Gastly, whom you want to EV train in Sp. Atk. You go to the base, fight the trainer, and gain the desired EV's as well as a whole lot of Exp, since the Gardevoirs are Lv. 100. They kill themselves, essentially, and you get the benefits.

And that's basically the only good use of Memento. Oh, and there's contests too, but who ever does contests? :p


<-- Solves any case!
You can use any pokemon in contests, also ubers.
And memento is only good against someone elses last pokemon or a memento base.


Real-life Gothorita
Memento is a horrible attack, when used in battling that is. It instantly kills your Pokemon, and only sharply lowers the opponent's attack stats, which is easily remedied by switching.

However, it is quite useful in secret bases made for EV training. For example, you make a secret base in which the trainer only has six Lv. 100 Gardevoirs with Memento as their only move. You bring in, say, a newly hatched Lv. 5 Gastly, whom you want to EV train in Sp. Atk. You go to the base, fight the trainer, and gain the desired EV's as well as a whole lot of Exp, since the Gardevoirs are Lv. 100. They kill themselves, essentially, and you get the benefits.

And that's basically the only good use of Memento. Oh, and there's contests too, but who ever does contests? :p

THis sounds interesting but i don't know what you mean... *blush*
you can decide what pokemon to fight in a secret base?


Well-Known Member
Secret bases are good for mixing records with friends, then you can fight your friend in his/her secret base with the pokémon he/she had at the moment you mixed records.


Crazy Trainer
if my calculations are right, it will grow to almost Lv 17.

Lv5 Gastly has 135 exp.
Lv17 Gastly has 3120 exp.

Lv100 Gardevoir gives 2971 exp.

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
I did a youtube video raising a level 5 gastly through 2 gardevoir/memento secret bases. Link to "Pokemon quick leveling up" (09:05) is in my linked post in my signature as you shall see what level it reached in the end.


oblivion weilder
its only good for bases its rubbish anywhere else unless you toying with them


oblivion weilder
technically you could get around 720 ev per day
10 secret bases
6 pokemon per base
12 ev with macho brace and pokerus
or can you have more than 10?