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Memories: Recolection



Hello fellow SPPf members. Im back with a differnt comic now (my other was Pokemon: Legends, the links in my sig). This is about the main character telling his remarkable story about his many adventures. The story will unravel slowly at first but should hopefull become action packed with interesting characters. This comic features speach bubbles AND text boxes! The Text boxes are the "memory bar" as i like to call it (The main character telling the story and what he thought about at that particular time. The speach bubles are whats happening, you'll understand if you read the comic :)


Ep 1: Masenko Tournement.pt1

Oppinions and any ways to improve please. Also comparisons to my other comic(which is better).

This is in trial stages at the mo. If it gets positive feedback i'll update when at least 5 more eps are done ok?

CREDITS: Backgrounds and characters from Spriters resource http://sprites.fireball20xl.com/NSA/HTML/nintendo.htm
Final Fantasy Characters in Fire emblem style by Spriter Trooper also from Spriters resource
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Ryo Leone

Very nice work! I've alwas been a fan of action rpg's and this comic has to be one of the bst comics I've read. If I had to compare this to the first episode of Legends, then I'd have to say that this is better.