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Meowth's fantasies vs. Giovanni's reactions


Dr. Sun

We all know about Meowth's weird fantasies when he thinks of what Giovanni will do with a pokemon when Team Rocket gives it to him. But what would Giovanni really do with any pokemon Team Rocket actually brought him, if they weren't hapless screwups? And how would Meowth react?

I just think it'd be funny to see how Meowth would react if Giovanni took the pokemon they brought him and used them as general battlers, instead of for the weird visions Meowth had. Instead of using Liza and Tate's Solrock and Lunatone to "brighten his day", as it were, Giovanni gave them to high-ranking members of Team Rocket for use in battle. How would Meowth react to see that his cherished ideas would go up in smoke, given that Giovanni merely used the pokemon to further Team Rocket's ends instead of for whatever special project Team Rocket intended them for?

Any thoughts?


he probably wouldn't notice the pokemon at all, and Meowth's feelings would be crushed flatter then a pancake under snorlax's weight....

comedy ensues that leads to Jessie, James and Meowth being permanently fired from Team Rocket and/or complete demise of Team Rocket, and they'd live happly ever after.


Giovanni might actually appreciated some of the rare Pokes TR would capture.


What happens if Giovanii actually did what Meowth thought he would do /w the pokemon?


gee that's swell
Yeah, Meowth's fantisies are not accurate.Remeber when Jessie found Shellder?The boss blem em off.


Giovanii already has a Cloyster, why would he need a shellder?


Custom User Title
Half the pokémon they try to steal for Sakaki are common as dirt, so he would probably just stare blankly at them like he did when they brought him Togepi.

ph33r teh stare~

Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
Most of them he wouldn't like. And he certainly wouldn't use them for the stuff they think he'd use them for.


Yeah, ok!
The only Pokemon that TR wanted to steal that Giovanni would REALLY appreciate would have been [SPOIL]Articuno.[/SPOIL]

Meowths daydream of that one was so silly, because Giovanni would have definitely used that Pokemon for more than that.

Lovely May

Meowth's fantasies are silly but funny ^^
Jessie, James and Meowth wanna steal every pokemon on their road, common or not. They wanted steal Hoppips, Zubats etc. Probably Giovanni would kick them out for that.

Jessie: We have a very special pokemon for you, sir :D
James: Yes, you will be happy, sir!
Meowth: You have never had something like this!
Giovanni: What is this then?
J&J&M: Here!!!
*they give him a Hoppip*
Giovanni: ¬¬
James: What's wrong, sir?



Torchic23 said:
Yeah, Meowth's fantisies are not accurate.Remeber when Jessie found Shellder?The boss blem em off.

If I remember correctly, they never even mentioned that they had found/caught Shellder to Giovanni.


Dr. Sun said:
We all know about Meowth's weird fantasies when he thinks of what Giovanni will do with a pokemon when Team Rocket gives it to him. But what would Giovanni really do with any pokemon Team Rocket actually brought him, if they weren't hapless screwups? And how would Meowth react?

I just think it'd be funny to see how Meowth would react if Giovanni took the pokemon they brought him and used them as general battlers, instead of for the weird visions Meowth had. Instead of using Liza and Tate's Solrock and Lunatone to "brighten his day", as it were, Giovanni gave them to high-ranking members of Team Rocket for use in battle. How would Meowth react to see that his cherished ideas would go up in smoke, given that Giovanni merely used the pokemon to further Team Rocket's ends instead of for whatever special project Team Rocket intended them for?

Any thoughts?

::?:: That's a good question. I think he'll (Giovanni) be some-what happy with the pokemon....but I don't think he would give them a rise or anything onless it was a rare or somthing.

Meowth has always been a loyal pokemon to Giovanni, and even if he doesn't like what they (Team Rocket) gave him he'd still 'worship'/ prise him.

.....at least thats what I'd think would happen......


Team Rocket's rockin
Giovanni would appreciate the Pokemon if it was rare (but he wouldn't use it for a silly purpose), and he wouldn't if it was not rare.

It's strange, really. Jessie, James, and Meowth didn't used to have crazy reasons for stealing Pokemon. They used to have the good sense that whatever Giovanni wanted the Pokemon for, it would be a good reason. And if you go back far enough, you'd see that they could actually tell what a rare Pokemon looked like:

James (Paraphrased from the second episode): "We only want rare and valuable Pokemon!"

Okay, sure, they were robbing a Pokemon Center that was probably full of weak Rattata and whatnot, but still. Anyway, it was the insanely powerful Pikachu that got them on this streak of trying to catch whatever was available while they followed Ash & friends.


Charming Ghostess
True, at first they were concerned about only catching rare pokémon, but after years of failure they figured that the boss was so dissapointed with them that any pokemon would help to lift his disdain towards them. They were so desperate at times that they never really thought through how the pokemon would be useful, like in Battle of the Badge. I think it's probably that embarrassing situation that eventually drove Meowth to fantasize about the possible usefulness of any pokémon they come across.

Also the uses that Meowth dreams up are always to please Giovanni, and he never gives a thought in the direction of the usefulness of the pokémon to the organization. This is probably because Meowth is quite aware of how dissapointed Gio is with their failures and just wants to give him a 'peace offering'.


sephiroth follower

yet when team rocket does catch an at least partly rare pokemon they keep it (lickatong, victorybell{read it's data}, and most of all chimecho{WHAT IDIOTS ARE THEY CHIMECHO IS RARE}giovonni isn't creative though when they brought an extremely rare pokemon to him (togipi) and he didn't even try it out for a day he chucked it

j+j:here's an pokemon
(they leave)
giovonni:good ridins (throws it in trash can and sets it on fire )


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
CyberCubed said:
The only Pokemon that TR wanted to steal that Giovanni would REALLY appreciate would have been [SPOIL]Articuno.[/SPOIL]

I don't know.

What about that Rhydon that could swim and repel water attacks? He might find that pretty useful.


Well-Known Member
kaibachaoschampion said:
Lol, I do wonder what he'd say if he had Ash's Pikachu lol. Wonder if he still wants it?

Probably something like this:

J + J: We have that Pikachu for you!
Giovanni: I don't want it!
J + J: We've been following that Pikachu for years!
Giovanni: You're fired!

In one japanese episode, Meowth wanted a Beldum so Giovanni could use it as a massager. He'd probably evolve t into a metagross though.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Maybe Ash should let TR steal a common Pokemon so Giovanni would kill them for wasting his time and resources. Then he'd b able to train in relative peace. *shot by JJ&M fans, shoots back*