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Mesmerize banner designs

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Paint Shop Pro 8

Gah, i'm back again. And I have new rules:

~no spamming.
~don't ask when is your sig done.
~Respeck my friggin work, at least put "made by_____" under the sig.
~I ONLY do banners, nothing else. No ghey recolors or trainer cards
~you can only request once per week, just to prevent flooding.
~I can only take 3 requests at a time, anything else past the 3 waiting people is declined
~please, when I add text, make sure your request is not like: "I am the best pokemon trainer ever, I will win every battle!!" keep your text short and simple.

Here's the requesting template:

stock/render: (provide a link to the stock, and make sure it's easy to cut out)
border: (yes? no?)
border color:
Style: (abstract or grunge)

Waiting list:

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Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Size: same size as the Dark banner at the top ^_^
colors: Blue and Black
http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b187/animelover712/normal_Group_S-Cry-Ed.jpg (one the left)
http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b187/animelover712/scryed02.jpg (just the pic of the guy on the right)
Text: The Past...is then...
Sub-text: Your future is now.
border: yes
border color: light purple
other: can it flash like the one in your sig? thanks ^^ (could you also credit that you made it in small lettering in the corner? thanks ^.^)

I'll get to work on it.

I can't do animations...

just one question, you have multiple stocks, is it possible if you can crop the stocks you want?

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Oh, that's okay. I thought you made the one in your signature too....my bad...^^;

Yeah...I guess. I'm at school though and won't be home until like....4:30 :/
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Dark Lava

colors:Lava flows with smoke coming out of the lava
stock/render:Any anime blaziken picture in the left and any anime groudon picture in the right.
Text:at the top:The Fire Club(Not what you think)
Sub-text:at the bottom: If you dont play with fire dont play with us.
Style:Sorry for the hold up but what? just make the style how you made it.
other:put fire in bottom fitting the words I said.

Thanks in advance(whatever that means.)
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