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Mess up on Pokemon games?


Well-Known Member
I never thought about this until now, but when i do it doesn't make any since.
How can there be shiny legendarys??? there is only one legendary on all but deoxys. so why is that?? speculate and discuss farther.


I don't know :( wish I did though maybe to make people try and get them? Or to make them like every other pokemon?

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
"A gay flute or messup on pokemon games!"

Hmm. I've gotta say, that's the most interesting thread title I've ever seen. Especially since flutes can't be gay... :confused:
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Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
DE- I think he means a Gay fluke, even thought throwing around the word Gay like that is a bit insulting to some people

To the topic creator- The legendaries aren't really one of a kidn, we seen two/three Articunos in the aime word, with two Lugias and a baby Lugia and two Moltress to know that they aren't all one of kind.

That if you just mean the gameworld thought


Dang...I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not...but he means "fluke."

But how do we know that there is only one legendary? For all we know, there could be hundreds of each. Kind of like how in the anime there are colonies of each starter, as opposed to the games where there is only one.


Well-Known Member
srry about flute, and gay, but if there is more than 1 legendary then how come they cant freaking breed, that just ticks me off! and u cant get mad at me for gay people say several words in thier titles and you don't give a dang.


Well-Known Member
The trios like birds, beast, golems, there are more then one of. A lot of in game trainers use them. Frontier brains and people you team up with in DP. Same goes for Lati@s. There are multiple mew cause pokemon evolved from it over millions of years to be suited to their habitat, mewtwo can be cloned multiple times


Mayness Yayness!
Aww the beautiful love of a flute and a flute of the same gender *sigh*
But on topic I think its supposed to be that that is there colour as in if you've never seen raquaza how would you know if it was green or black?


Powerplay Champion
Why not?
There have been several different legendaries shown, and if a squirtle can be shiny, why not a mew?


There are many legendaries in the world, as shown in the anime and some games. The reason they can't breed is because the game designers don't want you to have more than one of them, or else the game will become too easy and you will become too overpowered. I'm sure that in the Pokemonworld, they could breed.

You know there are more than one of each legandary in the anime, they only have one in each game just so people don't take advantage of them
Two Lugias in Whirl Islands
More than one Articuno
More than one Latias/Latios,(at the end of the movie, you see more than one of each)
Probably more than one Deoxys
Most likely more than one Celebi


Well-Known Member
They cant breed cause GF doesnt want them to and they can be shiny because there Pokemon just like Caterpie or Charizard but with much better stats


Bodybuilder Trainer
Btw, there was definitly a BUTTLOAD of Celebi's in the "Voice of the Forest" movie.

But a shiny Celebi shoulda been there.


Well-Known Member
no there isnt just one of each legendary... in ranger it says an entei is born everytime a new volcano erupts... which means there can be a whole lot of them... haha they are considered legendaries because they are like myth/legends ok? haha that is how there could be shinies because there is more than one


For all we know, there could be hundreds of each. Kind of like how in the anime there are colonies of each starter, as opposed to the games where there is only one.

exactly, legendaries are rare and hard to find but i bet there's more than one of them

Btw, there was definitly a BUTTLOAD of Celebi's in the "Voice of the Forest" movie.

But a shiny Celebi shoulda been there.

yeah but if you think of it it could have been the same celebi from other ages, you know it can travel through time...


Well-Known Member
but if there is more than 1 legendary then how come they cant freaking breed, that just ticks me off!

Stress. Legendaries are easily stressed. When they are in the wild, nothing is wrong and they can still breed. But when they are in captivity, they become stressed and won't be able to breed. Kinda like how platypi can't live in captivity.

yeah but if you think of it it could have been the same celebi from other ages, you know it can travel through time...

No it couldn't have. If there were past Celebi among them, the present Celebi would have known about it happening. And the past Celebi couldn't have known about present Celebi being in this state, because they haven't experienced it yet. And there couldn't be any future versions of that Celebi, seeing as without them, Celebi would have died and the future Celebi wouldn't exist.
The only logical explenation is that they were different Celebi.
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Salingerian Phony
no there isnt just one of each legendary... in ranger it says an entei is born everytime a new volcano erupts... which means there can be a whole lot of them... haha they are considered legendaries because they are like myth/legends ok? haha that is how there could be shinies because there is more than one

There's the answer to everybody's question right there...Legendaries can't breed because they cant reproduce; Legendaries are created by alternate means. Then again, Latios is always called a "he" and Latias a "she," and in the fifth movie, Latias had a crush on Ash. Strictly speaking, a creature not meant to procreate should feel only platonically to others, so perhaps they can breed...just not in a traditional way. Perhaps Latias' kiss with Ash extracted some DNA from him, technically making Ash the father of Latias' offspring.


the reason that is is possible for legenadaries to be shiny is that there are more than one legendary, and every trainer has the fate to meet one, its just that, since that rule exists, people think there is only one of each legendary