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Metagross and blaziken

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
What is a good moveset for an Impish Blaziken and an Impish Metagross?

Metagross @ ???
Nature: Impish
Trait: Clear Body
a: ???
b: ???
c: ???
d: ???

Blaziken @ ???
Nature: Impish
Trait: Blaze
a: ???
b: ???
c: ???
d: ???

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
Metagross @ Choice Band
-Meteor Mash
-Shadow Ball/Sludge Bomb/Rock Slide/etc

Blaziken @ Leftovers
-Swords Dance
-Endure/Rock Slide
-Reversal/Sky Uppercut

use them as physical sweepers since Impish drops Sp.Att.


christian 4ever
trait:clear body

calm mid or earthquake
psichic agility
agility sludge bomb
toxic explosion


flame trower
areal ace



Use Rock Slide for Metagross’s 4th move, otherwise, Moltres/Zapdos/Gyarados lol at you.

Sorry, squirtleboy, those sets aren't good and Metagross can't even learn Calm Mind.


christian 4ever

Use Rock Slide for Metagross’s 4th move, otherwise, Moltres/Zapdos/Gyarados lol at you.

Sorry, squirtleboy, those sets aren't good and Metagross can't even learn Calm Mind.

it cant........im trying my best to become a team rater...........o well

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Impish isn't too bad, but it's not good either. Try breeding them to get Adamant, since it's the best nature for both their movesets. You might even get some better IVs via breeding.

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
i would breed but out of my hundreds of well bred pokemon in my emerald only 6 were saved the rest got deleted so I want to see if the pokemon I saved are okay..

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
Sorry for double posting but my little cousin has a SERIOUS Latios and a BOLD gardevoir which is better pokemon to add to her team? Please give a moveset to them too.
PS: Both pokemon are on Lv.40.



Both natures kinds suck. Both should have Modest natures.

Gardevoir @Leftovers
Modest Nature
-Calm Mind

Lati@s @Soul Dew/Leftovers
-Calm Mind
-Dragon Claw/Ice Beam


Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
Just use the same sets...those natures aren't going to hurt you..they just wont help much either..

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
Serious isn't good, but it isn't the worst either. I suppose you can use them. Gardy does need Modest though, it really helps her out a lot.
Nature Jolly
EVs in Speed and attack
Thunderpunch(dp) or rockslide(emerald)
overheat (emerald) or blazekick (dp)

Frost Nova

The predator awaits.
yazzel, why do you keep on suggesting Aerial Ace when all the other moves cover what it does?