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Metal Gear Solid 4


The Battousai

Sony showed off a new metal gear solid game at the Tokyo Game Show. It was one of the most impressive trailers ever seen and was running on actual ps3 hardware. Hideo Kojima amazed many people when he said the finished product would look even better. Alot of changes have been made to the game as well. This time around Snake is an oldie but is as muscular and buff as he was in younger days. The game takes a more psychological field in which soildiers will threaten you before calling HQ and other new ideas from the mind of Hideo Kojima. IMO opinion this game was really impressive and will be a deciding factor for me when choosing my next-gen console. What do you think about the game

Here are some articles



Asuka Tachibana

Metal Gear Solid 4 is the ONLY reason i'm buying a PS3 right now. If it didn't exist I'd probably get an Xbox 360
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The Battousai

Yeah, it is one of my more important deciding factors also.


Yeah. And I'm extremely excited about it!! ^_________^

Hideo Kojima is a very talented director. Featuring Snake at old age was a big move, yet approperiate.

Hopefully, I'll get PS3 in my birthday on March. With MGS4! :D

The Battousai

Hopefully, I'll get PS3 in my birthday on March. With MGS4!

Don't get your hopes up, you'd probably have to import a PS3 from Japan if you want it by march it will probably come out by August-October in America. Not to mention MGS4 probably won't even be done by the end of the year. Hopefully we get Vision Gran Turismo at launch though, Unreal Tournament 2007 (that and Lair are the only confirmed launch titles, more to be announced though) has me really excited.


MGS2 was a horrible game, that very nearly ruined the entire series for me, bad characters, lame overly complicated story, and it never really reached any kind of point. Some of it's scenes were awesome, but the most of it was just garbage.

Metal Gear Solid 3 on the other hand was easily one of the best games this generation, completely redeeming the series in my opinion, and probably had the most beautiful ending ever, that explains almost everything that didn't make sense from the original two games, as well as the newer two. I hope MGS4 takes a similiar path to the third one, rather than the second. As long as Kojima realises a story doesn't have to be horrificly complicated to be good, we should be fine though.

But I do have some VERY bad news for Metal Gear Solid fans. None other than Uwe Boll has been approaced to direct the movie. Someone HAS to step in and stop this. For those of you who don't know Uwe Boll, I'll post some quotes from reviews that his recent movie 'Blood Rayne' has been recieving. Other videogame movie travesties he's made include Alone in the Dark and House of the Dead

"Whatever else you may think of Boll's directorial 'skills,' you can't fault him for inconsistency -- his movies are always atrocious, and Bloodrayne is no exception."
-- Timothy Knight, REEL.COM

"I’m not sure what Boll sees when he looks through the director’s lens while filming each of his pictures, but I’m certain it’s something different than what the rest of us see. BloodRayne poses no threat to his reputation."
-- Marjorie Baumgarten, AUSTIN CHRONICLE

Smile Guy

Keep Smiling...
Metal Gear Solid 4 does look absolutely amazing, I have to say. When I get a PS3, I will get that game. I didn't mind Metal Gear Solid 2, Winter Snowblind. In fact, it's what brought me to the series, then I got that GC only one, (mind blank, forgotten the name, it was a remake of the original), then I got MGS3 which was just beautiful from start-to-finish.

The Battousai

Uwe Boll has been approaced to direct the movie.

Crys (not literally)..., are you serious. This was my MOST important reason for buying a PS3. It was the only PS3 gem 360 didn't have a answer to. UWE BOLL is a horrendous director (if you ever seen his movies you'd know what I mean). Why couldn't Kojima just direct it like he always does. I guess it's either 360 or revolution for me now (I still haven't given up on PS3 but if this is actually true then I'm defininately buying the latter).


The Battousai said:
Crys (not literally)..., are you serious. This was my MOST important reason for buying a PS3. It was the only PS3 gem 360 didn't have a answer to. UWE BOLL is a horrendous director (if you ever seen his movies you'd know what I mean). Why couldn't Kojima just direct it like he always does. I guess it's either 360 or revolution for me now (I still haven't given up on PS3 but if this is actually true then I'm defininately buying the latter).

It's the movie Uwe Boll is directing, not the game :p
And even then, it's very far off from happening.


Irate Pirate
Seriously, why do all game movies go to Boll? I swear he must make 80% of the games


Paradox said:
Seriously, why do all game movies go to Boll? I swear he must make 80% of the games

It's disturbing more than anything else. He makes bad movies upon bad movies, yet people keep giving him a chance to ruin more franchises. Why? I can honestly say without a doubt, that he is one of the worst directors of all time. I've directed better movies myself. Seriously.

The Battousai

It's the movie Uwe Boll is directing, not the game
And even then, it's very far off from happening.

Good, PS3 still has some hope. If they ruined MGS4, PS3 would be ruined for me (basically since it's the one game on PS3 that Xbox 360 doesn't have an iteration or port of, the same way with halo on 360. PS3 hasn't gotten anything close to that yet.).

The Assassin

Striking secretly
Man, I love MGS3, and when I heard the PS3 had MGS, I knew I would have to buy a PS3. Though The Metal Gear Solid Series has been On anything PS (1 and 2) so , why not have Snake look.... crispy and clean. Now, I know this thread is not about the PS3, but when I was at the Gas Station ( and Media Play), The dude at the Gas station said That the PS3 is supposed to be realesed like, late late this year. The person at Media Play said early 2007. Now personally, I agree with the Media Play Person. Though Gas Station Boy said he works at Game Exchange.