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Metal Virus (Hand drawn! Oh noes!)


AKA Snagger Outlaw
RATED M FOR: Blood, violence, suggestive themes, naughty words, and everything else Serebii probably doesn't approve of.

Prologue: Major Steele! The General's Decree!
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5

Chapter One: The Forgotten Race
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11

Chapter 2: An Open Heart, An Open Mind
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15
*This chapter was short for a reason*

Chapter 3: A Rose By Any Other Name
Page 16
Page 17
Page 18
Page 19
Page 20

Chapter 4: Blood of the Martyrs
Page 21
Page 22
Page 23
Page 24
Page 25
Page 26
Page 27

Chapter 5: Going Forward, But Going Nowhere
Page 28
Page 29
Page 30
Page 31
Page 32
Page 33

Chapter 6: Braveheart
Page 34
Page 35
Page 36
Page 37
Page 38
Page 39

Chapter 7: Breaking Point
Page 40
Page 41
Page 42

Chapter 8: A Lost Cause
Page 43
Page 44
Page 45
Page 46


Metal Virus: Storm and Fire

Chapter One: Chemistry
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6

Chapter Two: Kugimiya
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10

Chapter Three: Behind Lock and Key
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15

Chapter Four: Intervention
Page 16
Page 17
Page 18

Chapter 5: What a Hero is For
Page 19
Page 20
Page 21
Page 22
Page 23


Chapter One: A Dying World
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13

Chapter 2: Blood and Angels
-None yet-

Metal Virus got a Tenz. Kick Asphalt

4k Special: Prison Thoughts


;059; Steele ;059;
Chibi Steele
Pure Steele

;133; Rose ;148;
Chibi Rose

;152; Chika ;152;
Chika Ref

None! D:

Version 1: Cyber Assault
Version 2: A Sacrifice to Make


These hand drawn comics Sora thinks are awesome. If you got a hand-drawn comic you want up here PM Sora and to make her review it.

FAQ (Asked by friends)

Q: What's the point of Metal Virus?
A: Metal Virus was created to portray the mentality of the world. That if you're different, you're the enemy. It shows racism in a whole new light. I got the idea from a bible passage (Don't worry, I'm not one of those wackos who will beat you over the head with a bible). "If your enemy is hungry; feed them. If your enemy is thristy; give them drink. Do not overpower evil with more evil. But overcome evil with good." Pretty much it says that if you go out and kill the people you hate, you're not gonna solve anything, only gain more guilt. And that is the point of Metal Virus. To change the way people think.

Q: Do the pokemon in this comic exist?
A: They sure do. Steele, Toboe, and Hagane are an Arcanine, Mightyena, and Kabutops in training for the Battle Fronteir. Rose is an Eevee, Doc is an Aipom who provides me with items, and the others exist on my friend's games. Abusolu and Okibi (The Orre scientists) Are part of my collosseum team.

Q: You have Dragovee in here, will the other mutants from ME appear?
A: Eventually they will. Where I don't know.

A: 3 bucks is a one page cameo, 5 bucks is a chapter long cameo and that comes with Photoshopped art of your character. Sorry, only super close friends get dibs on cameos for free. And if you try to befriend me just for a cameo go to hell. PM me if you're interested in a cameo.
Last edited:


AKA Snagger Outlaw
On MSN, Zelionax was wondering what makes this comic futuristic. The answer to your question, and see how much I suck at machinery. It will get better because this time I'm not making a comic at 1 in the morning.

Page 3


AKA Snagger Outlaw
Controller of Flames said:
grrr I was going to make a futuristic pokemon comic, (but it will be different then this one). and, whats this, some sort of plot?!?
DEAR CID NOT A PLOT!!!11oneoneohscrewitone

Yes, there is a plot. And that's nidotini in the latest if you didn't know

iron picachu

Damn, broke the Dog!
Snagger Outlaw said:
And with Page 5, the Prologue draws to a close. Will Metal Virus continue? Only if you guys want it to continue.

Page 5

Gee talking about a short ending, Lolz!

Solid Kirby

Back, I guess.
Whee! Another Drawn Comic!

Nicely Done. So Far, Page 2's my Fave. Just because of the Quote.
Steele Fisker said:
Dude, all I want to is Go Home, Rent some Porn and Make Out with My Pillow. Is that Too much to ask?!

And The Best Part: Hand Drawn! E for Effort!

Continue, Please. XD

Congratulations! Your comic is Worthy of Tenz! Feel Proud, Because Few Comics Get 10/10 from DGG. Proudly Display it on the Front Page of your Comic, because, well, you deserve it! =D
(Apply this to ME, as well. Too Damn lazy to reply at the Moment.)


AKA Snagger Outlaw
Devil Guardian Ganon said:
Whee! Another Drawn Comic!

Nicely Done. So Far, Page 2's my Fave. Just because of the Quote.

And The Best Part: Hand Drawn! E for Effort!

Continue, Please. XD

Congratulations! Your comic is Worthy of Tenz! Feel Proud, Because Few Comics Get 10/10 from DGG. Proudly Display it on the Front Page of your Comic, because, well, you deserve it! =D
(Apply this to ME, as well. Too Damn lazy to reply at the Moment.)

Page 8's cliffhanger will anger you =D


The prolouge was ok but it got better in chapter one! BTW I dont like the cliffhanger!>_< Keep it up



Ooh, it's a killer person =0

Cool comic =3 Keep going Outlaw!