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Meteor Cave....

Swirling Squirtle

Water Master
and recommendations on wat items to bring??

i am a Level 100 Blastoise now :) IM HAPPY I KNOW i leveled up through going through relic cave

neways i have a friend bow which i know i should bring right? what else?


Make the leader hold an X-Ray Spec
Bring a
- Friend Bow/Huge Apple(F.B. ONLY IF YOUR RECRUITING)
- 2 Reviver Seeds
If you use up the Apple and you are dying of hunger, just let the Reviver Seed take effect when you get to 0 HP
X-rayspecs @ user
Friendbow @ user on twentieth floor if recruting/ Huge apple
(I'm not sure why I refuesed to use the space bar...)
X - Ray specs are great and if you are recruiting then a friend bow as well for the other 2 items 1 reviver seed + 1 huge apple. (you wont be doing as much walking if you have x - rays specs on)

Dont worry about max elixers because for every doexys (except defense from and the real deoxys at the end) you can easily use 2 or 3 regular attacks to take them out. ;123;