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Meteor Falls....

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king krab kingler

When you go into meteor falls,then go down a bit,you can see a waterfall but there seems to be no way to get to it.Can anyone tell me if there is a way,maybe an add on to emerald?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
If I'm talking about the right one (and I don't see any waterfalls you can't get to in Meteor Falls), if you come in from Route 115, NOT Route 114, you can go up and get into the water. Then you can go up/down both waterfalls in there.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Oh, I see...looking closer, there's a rock in the way, so you can go in the water to go up the large waterfall, but not down the smaller one.

Sorry. >>;; It doesn't lead to anything, though, so there's no point in being able to get to it.
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