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Metronome Question


Mush! Mush!
I'm just wondering, is it possible to get Metronome when you use Metronome? It was just a random though.


Queen of Charizards!
NO i don't think so. Well maybe. I know not for the games out now


christian 4ever
im emerald.............i use metrome and i got assist,wich is the same thing as metromone..............so i think you can


Volcano Trainer
im emerald.............i use metrome and i got assist,wich is the same thing as metromone..............so i think you can

. . . . No it's not. With Metronome you can use any move except for Struggle and Metronome I believe. With Assist, you can use any move that your team members have which aren't out battling.

People who know what they're talking about say that you can't get Metronome while using Metronome, but people have said that they've done it before. They could be lying for all I know.


Blaziken rules!
I think not.

I think not. It's a little stupid.


I dream in pixels.
Snorlax used metronome! Snorlax used metronome! Snorlax used mud slap!

Lol, I think not. It would be pretty easy taking the metronome move out of the move metronome anyway.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I think not, but it'd be fun. Never ending metronome LOL


Lopunny's puns pwn.
Never-ending metronome loop... sounds like a gamer's nightmare. ^^
I can confirm that it is infact possible, and it doesnt glitch up the game (why the hell would it? Its selecting an attack, and in turn the attack it selects (metronome), does what it is instructed to do), so yeah, it is possible.


Furret rocks
I've never known it to happen to me.


sorelax used metronome sorelax used metronome sorelax used metronome sorelax used metronome sorelax used body slam
i dunno i dont think its possible as they took out struggle...


Have a nice day!
Hey, I once did this: Snorlax used Metronome! It hurt itself in it's confusion. I believe this happened because confusion damage is activated by a move, <Confusion Damge>, and Metronome activates all moves, so I received confusion damage while not confused. Has this happened to anyone else?


Furret rocks
I tried a little experiment, and used Metronoome five hundred times... Metronome didn't come up as a selected attack... Now someone remind me never to spend eleven hours doing that again...

Edit:- Woo, new rank!
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Mew King

It's black magic!
Yeah. I did it in Pokemon Emerald while training up a Mew. I brought it up 10 levels with Metronome alone and it never happened. Lots of ones shouldn't happen like Assist using Assist or Sleep Talk using Sleep Talk.