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Mew and Celebi Pics


I don't have a scanner(sorry) so I'll just use a camera.


Is it bad?

You go ahead and post your pics of mew and/or celebi and judje mine.



No, they’re not bad. But you did use Sugimori’s drawings as a reference. Though the sparkles around Mew are cute.
But just wish your hand wasn’t in the picture, it’s very distracting. Don’t include stuff like the background and your hand…just lay the drawing on a white surface.

Also, ripping the paper = bad idea. Now it looks trashy, like you just picked up the paper off the ground and started drawing on it.

What's with the gray stuff below Celebi? Are they erase marks or were they done on purpose? Because they don't really fit in too well (other than making the pic more dirty).

So anyways, the drawing is fine, it's just the stuff you did to it that makes it feel less than adequate.


I didn't mean to do all that to the pic and thanx 4 the advice. I will REdraw this and show it here later.


Thank you CelebiMew for the comments, I like your pics. It's nice to see some color and originality.

I did use the FIRERED/LEAFGREEN guide book as a refrence for the pics and now I must state.

Credit for the poses of some of my pics goes to the maker of the drawings for the FireRed/LeafGreen guide book,I think that Sugimori guy.

Umi Mizuno

☠ one girl army
It's good, except the part where it's all smudged.


I wont smudge so much next time and i'm glad you people think mew's cute. Light venusaur should check his/her PMs.

BTW: The smudje is to show shine but whatever.

I ripped the paper cuz my pencil went thru it I think.